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Socionics Polls - Leave Your Comment!
How certain are you of your Type?
I am convinced I know my Type495361.3 %
I know part of my Type138217.1 %
I thought I knew my Type but now I am not sure111613.8 %
I don't know my Type5186.4 %
I don't want to know my Type1031.3 %
Total Votes: 8085
*Please note that this poll result does not in any way reflect the opinion of the "total population" as this website has a certain contingent of visitors*
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Your Comments: 1+ 37+ 69+
C1 How can you NOT be sure? It seems obvious to me. -- ENTP
C2 I was confused and thought socionics was too eccentric at first but now I'm hooked thanks to a male ENTp friend, Mr. or Ms. logical ENTp. Say I'm still trying to figure out why do they show a so-called naked Adam and Eve when you submit a question? -INFp -- Anonymous
C3 yup im positive im an ESFP \m/ -- Anonymous
C4 I'm not sure because I take the test and end up with ENTJ but my sister thinks I'm an ENFP. I think I think like an ENTJ but act like an ENFP. So...I'm having an identity crisis. -- Anonymous
C5 @c2 - The spammers are probably annoying, so it's probably satisfying to "flash" them, but non-spammers who enjoy the site also get "flashed." Anyway, I'm INFP, but I really don't like to say that I'm sure about very many things. -- learning
C6 That picture is not of Adam and Eve but of a male and female that signifies human species, as the context is about human beings checking every submissions. I'm going to vomit now for explaining this to a bunch of retards. -- Anonymous
C7 ^ Someone gets offended when his faith in nothing is shaken by someone with faith in something, explains that he's offended, then vomits. Yay. -- Anonymous
C8 E and I is most confusing to me. I think I'm both. I talk to people all the time and am interested in them but I'm also extremely introspective. -- E or I NFP
C9 Does anyone know the types of the two naked people? -- econdude
C10 ESFPs probably - damn streakers. -- pandapanda
C11 INFJ and...*sigh* -- Anonymous
C12 MBTI always said I was INTP. Socionics always says I am INTp... So I'm really confused... I used to think I knew but now I'm not so sure. ILI or LII? -- Anonymous
C13 i have no idea. i probably am a intj from the physical description. but scored ixxx from the regular mbti quizzes all i know is that i am a human, and that's probably okay with me. (it's not) -- Anonymous
C14 I've taken multiple variants of the type tests, I always score NF at least, but my E/I and my P/J always seems to fluctuate. I'm an Idealist, I just have no idea which one. -- Anonymous
C15 C14, have a look at Ganin's article P stands for Phenomenan to find out if you suit the J or P rhythm. You will then have it narrowed down to two types. -- Anonymous
C16 I am INTP but sometimes I think I might be INFP. I think and feel so that confuses me. -- Katie
C17 i also thought myself intp and now think that maybe im a feeling can one know for sure ? -- ashley
C18 Knowing your type can be very helpful, but also misleading. I know I am an ESFp and so I used to take it for normal I was extremely moody and wanted to eat and drink all the time, but now it has turned out this was due to a thyroid gland misfunction! Its good to be sure of your type, but type isnt everything... -- Anonymous
C19 im a zillion percent and a hlaf sure! -- ISFP
C20 INTp... Or INTj? Dang, dang, dang... Probably the former, though... -- Tha' INTx over thar.
C21 ******THE PIC OF THE NAKED MAN & NAKED LADY****** I had to write a paper on Carl Sagan a while back, & that is the only reason I know this. The drawings are on plaques on board the Pioneer 10 & Pioneer 11- the first spacecrafts to ever leave the solar system. The plaques provide information about our species in case the spacecrafts are intercepted by aliens- information such as where to find us & what we look like naked!!!! *wink* oh yeah. we're hot. C18 gives a veeery good warning, & I'm sorry if I come off as a know-it-all, but i'm also going to throw a useful psychology term at you guys. This is by far the most accurate and detailed personality test I've ever taken, but here is another reason why you shouldn't place tooooo much faith in these kind of things... Barnum Effect: "the tendency for people to accept very general or vague characterizations of themselves and take them to be accurate. A good example of this can be seen when people believe what is said about them in psychometric tests, personality profiles, astrological predictions, and so on. ... Even though the descriptions or descriptive terms used in the inventories, typologies, and tests can apply equally well to other people, some individuals are gullible enough to believe they are unique to themselves." YMeaning, you read one description of yourself and yell "THAT'S ME!!!" but maybe you would have yelled the same if it was another of the 16 types that was presented to you first. & come on, as if a test that charts 16 personalities in a world full of billions & billions of ppl is really going to cut the cheese just right? How boring would the world be if it were that easy! There are too many glittery bits & pieces in everybody tests like this can never fully pinpoint from anybody. ...HOOYAH! score 3 for the ENFP!!!! -- reina (ENFP)
C22 INTJ and when i'm stressed out ESFP(?)... so i'm seriously confused. i'm in the borderline... -_-++ -- Jin (INTJ)
C23 I've always loved personality tests, and when my older brother showed the shapes for socionics to me I was exhilarated. I'm a visual person, and associating shapes and colors with traits and desires made it all make perfect sense. All the symptoms to being a Director are obvious, and I have no doubt as to my personality type. -- ESTJ, 17, female
C24 I am INTX depending on mood and energy level. However, I would venture to guess I am more INTJ because that is my best personality, whereas the INTP comes out in times of low energy and apathy. -- Jen
C25 *MAJOR* ENFP over here. VERY sure of it! -- Angela
C26 @C25: There aren't varying degrees of being an ENFp. Either you are an ENFp, or you aren't. @C24, C22: Your type is not changing, only your behavior. The concept of "socionics type" refers to intrinsic patterns of perceiving and processing information, not behavioral patterns. This is often poorly understood among socionics newcomers. @C21: Your post is too long to read. And you start off by referencing Carl Sagan. How is he relevant? @C18: I agree. @C10: Stop promulgating stereotypes. Who cares whether or not you're joking? You're disseminating information that is deleterious to the integrity of socionics. @C6: Yes, I'm sure you're just the dazzling paragon of intellectual brilliance yourself. *rolls eyes* -- tympan
C27 ESFJ here... So confused,I used to do personality tests every day and one day it turned out INTP another ESTJ,ESFP and ENFJ... I am a true chameleon aren`t I?? LOL! -- Anonymous
C28 Some people have strong Introverted traits and Extroverted types, by the end of it my friend had 3 of 4 traits which were too close to call and didn't really see herself clearly in her "strongest" 2 personalities. That is how people can be unsure of the personality type. -- Slacking ISTJ
C29 I'm an INFP for sure, and I am glad for it. It fits me well. -- INFP
C30 I am truely an INTJ. Almost never have a doubt. -- Anonymous
C31 C8, I felt E/I ambiguous too, then I read this passage somewhere: "Unlike other Extraverted types, ENFPs need time alone to center themselves, and make sure they are moving in a direction which is in sync with their values". Makes sense to me! -- A typical broody ENFP
C32 C26. this is not an academic forum so stop being a Socionics Nazi. You may be more familiar with this subject than other contributors but it's a social forum so stop belittling other people for their input and develop a sense of humility. And a sense of humour while you're at it. Noone wants to hear it and your post was also "too long" and boring. -- Anonymous
C33 I think sometimes you are what you would like to be. For example, I always wanted to be an INTP rather than an INTJ, and I've eventually decided that i am an INTP, and I'm glad to be sure. Reading other's responses, I think the INTJs are glad not to be INTPs -- INTP
C34 C33 I had a similar dilemma b\w INTJ & INTP where I would test as one type but envy another as somehow better. Either way, it seems more like an idiosyncratic response since a person of the same type as mine may not necessarily have such a response. Another factor is duality that makes me uncertain of my type b/c relations is a sure way to figure out who u really are instead of thinking inside your head. The problem lies in the fact that once your self-certain you begin typing others based on youreself as a primary reference but if you lose sight of who you are then everyone you typed becomes uncertain and its back to the drawing board. I suddenly can not figure out if I was apart of a failed duality or a successful conflict relation. -- Anonymous
C35 I'm an ENFP, but when I'm feeling down I act like an ISTJ. -- Kat the ENFP
C36 I'm ENTP, no doubt about it! -- Petrus ENTP
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