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Question #1344160734Sunday, 5-Aug-2012
Category: Advice Theory
How to become back to your type? A lot of people don't want to accept their types. They want to change it. Thanks to socionics, there is a lot of information on how to become someone else. I did it. But you can't be who you are not. I wanted to be strong intuitive. Until recently discovered one strong side in me. Unfortunately people have gotten used to my wierdness and now it is hard to become back who i am. Specially because like many others, to accept my type, there's a need to train out my strong sides. How to admit your type with all of it's weaknesses and develop out it's strong sides? -- quasiNi
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A1 Sorry to say it that way, but it's kinda stupid to live your life in function of how your official MBTI or socionics type act normally. You are your MBTI type, it's not your MBTI type who is you. I know that it's a temptation to wanna act like an other type than yours, but the point about typology is to specify who you are, not to let it define you. I know it will be hard, but you will have to act normally, without trying to change yourself. If you feel like acting a certain way, it's because that's the real you who told you to do it. Go with the flow -- Marie (ESTj)
A2 The thing about theories involving categorization, is that they are just different ways to simplify identification. A 'type' is just a set of traits that nearly always manifest together. They are not the whole, so much as pieces of the whole; you. You are you, and odds are, you have a pretty good idea of who you are. While it's nice to hear it simplified for your understanding, you will always = you, and that cannot be disputed, no matter the circumstance. The only reason to debate a fact, is to debate where it fits into the grand equation. Nonetheless, a fact is true, a theory is merely an assumption as to how facts are calculated. A theory may seem to be correct, but it only takes one inconsistent result to tell you that you did your math wrong. Anyways, while personality theory simplifies your understanding of people, you cannot be simplified. It certainly explains why you might have tendencies to act a certain way, but it can never tell you who you are; it only describes your shell. What it fails to consider, is your ideas and experiences. It explains 'how', and occasionally 'why', but it can never say 'who'. -- Anonymous
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