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Question #1328165387Thursday, 2-Feb-2012
Category: Hidden Agenda ISFj
Does an ISFj's hidden agenda "to believe" mean he/she struggles with believing in him/herself as an individual and others, or that he/she struggles with believing in a higher power/life, or... what? -- Anonymous
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A1 I have found that ISFj have trouble understanding the motivations of others or 'the system'. They often don't trust the information that they are given and feel that others are out to get them. As well, their own belief system can be somewhat inflexible even though they may say they agree with something else. They usually believe in themselves but not others, and frequently feel their own beliefs are under siege. When they actually do establish faith in others or a cause, they'll do anything for them or it. However, they're happiest when they feel that they're calling the shots even though they may not really be. I've seen many end up alone because they cannot tolerate the behaviour of anyone else - or trust another, which fundamentally is belief. -- I/O
A2 @A1: Thanks. Still digesting your description, nothing is "hitting home" for me. There are some basic human instincts, such as to belong, be loved, be valuable that I'm not recognizing in your description, but still find it very interesting. The reason I'm interested is because I find that the hidden agenda of ENTj (ISFj's dual), to be wealthy (which I simplify as self-actualization), is a challenge for me as an INFp (perhaps because I've felt too wierd and flawed to relate to, or be of service to anyone). I believe our hidden agendas are actually areas we have an advantage. INFp's h.a. is to understand and I believe the most needed kind of "understanding," that which enables true love (and equality and freedom), will likely be best achieved through intuition, i.e. being in touch with one's true self and universal truths of life. I believe that the h.a.'s of the types may help explain the intertype relations, for example ENTj's strong point or advantage over INFp's. Maybe for someone else this is common knowledge? -- learning (Anonymous)
A3 A2, one has to distinguish between primal instincts (survival, sex) and cognitive functioning. Hidden agenda is something we recognize as important and know consciously or unconsciously that we don't pay enough attention to it; therefore, we seek to fulfil this need through various relationships. INFp seem to gravitate toward people who appear successful, those from which they feel that they can learn something or get the inside track. This also fits with their burning need to ensure their own well-being; they likely will want to marry into the money so to speak -- I/O
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