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Question #1304582108Thursday, 5-May-2011
Category: T/F INFj INTj Personality Type me!!!
Do I sound like more of a Thinker or Feeler (INTJ/INFJ)? I originally resulted in "INFJ", and being very interested in in the MBTI stuff, I retested a few times, each time getting INFJ. I haven't tested in about 4 months, and this time when I did, I got INTJ. I took the test twice more, and then two other different versions of the test, each time resulting in INTJ. I am 100% positive of the I, N, and J. The T vs. F is what I'm wondering about, so I'll only explain things about myself that relate to that. - I am very aloof. - I try to give everyone a chance, I don't like dubbing people unworthy based on the people that they hang around or the stereotypes that person may be associated with, it's unfair. - I have absolutely no sympathy for people who have drama or lots of issues with friends. I assume that they brought it upon themselves somehow. I think it's stupid to bring people who aren't originally part of a conflict, into the conflict, it only brings more people('s opinions) into things and creates more problems. - I love hearing about people's hardships and people's life. - I swear to myself that I will never go for a personal jab in an arguement. It's unreasonable and mean spirited. - When watching most movies, I overanalyze the characters and usually make up dramatic feelings for them to the extent that I make myself cry. - If I feel smothered, I can be very straight forward. - I think that criticism is scarier than death. Based on this, would you assume that I am a Thinker or Feeler? Thank you -- Abigail
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Your Answers: 1+
A1 Feeler, definitely. -- INTj
A2 Ditto -- Anonymous
A3 I think you test differently after you learn to anticipate how to answer the questions for the result you might subconciously want rather than what you actually are especially if you are a borderline case. I think the first few tests were accurate before you learnt how to analyse the questions as people are sometimes as not true to themselves and might think they would be better off being different. The first few tests I did came up ESTJ but now I know why the test is asking particular questions I sometimes get ISTJ I think this is because sometimes I would prefer to be an ISTJ and from my previous tests I am only 13% E. In my opinion personality tests are more accurate when they taken with no previous knowledge. -- ESTJ Female
A4 << I think it's stupid to bring people who aren't originally part of a conflict, into the conflict, it only brings more people('s opinions) into things and creates more problems.>> Hmmm... one way to see it. I consider it as much as a source for more and better solutions. And that may be an indicator alone on the difference between feeling and thinking. I believe this is a classic case of harmony vs. solution orientation. I think you are definately an F. -- ENTp
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