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Question #1301006376Thursday, 24-Mar-2011
Category: Dating ENFp ENTp Advice
I've been scoping out info on ENTP and ENFP relationships, and haven't come across any from an ENTP that's in love with an ENFP. Someone explain to me why this is rare. What is it about ENFPs and ENTPs that are not compatible, and why does ENTP always end up breaking an ENFPs heart? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I don't really know, but I think your best bet is just to love them and not let numbers and horoscopes define your relationship. I have no idea why this wouldn't work out besides, there's always exceptions to the rules. -- Anonymous
A2 Well, an Entp did expressed his interest in me(I'm an Enfp!) I somehow rejected by just laughing off when he confessed. I didn't think it would work out because he was rather similiar to me, except of course, smarter. Our weaknesses are rather the same; eg- clumsy etc; that's why I didn't think it would work out. I fell for an Entj though, whom I thought could complete me. -- Anonymous
A3 All types break each other's hearts, even duals. Especially duals, those are the ones that can hurt you the most. What happens when an ENFp and an ISTp are in a relationship, and the ENFp meets another ISTp he or she likes even more? Often enough, the first ISTp ends up heartbroken. This happens with all the types. As far as ENFp/ENTp relations are concerned, I can tell you that I know an ENFp and an ENTp who have been best friends for many years. They are both males, but they are both at least a little bisexual. I know they've smooched, but I don't know if their relationship was romantic, or even sexual. I wasn't super close to them, they might have just been "friends," but they stayed friends for a very long time and are probably still friends today. -- Anonymous
A4 I've seen them compete for attention. They seem to have unique but divergent perceptions of the way things should be and appear to each other like elitists or snobs. It amusing when they're aggressively defensive with one another. There seems to be a huge lack follow through between them because both get distracted so very easily and are always searching for greener pastures. I've witnessed both being equally capable of ending relationships. -- I/O
A5 I'm an ENFp female with an ENTp male, and we're head-over-heels in love. No one's ever gotten us like we get each other. This is it. It's amazing. We're the male/female versions of each other, as far as western gender norms go. I foster his emotional side, and he challenges me intellectually. I highly recommend this pairing to anyone. -- Anonymous
A6 An example ENTP and ENFP relationship

-- jgbr
A7 Tom Hanks is ESFj. -- Anonymous
A8 Another ENTP and ENFP relationship: When Harry Met Sally

-- jgbr
A9 I was incorrect at A8. The film "When Harry Met Sally" is an example of INFP & ENFP relationship. -- jgbr
A10 A6: I've always thought Tom Hanks's character was supposed to be an ISTp here somehow he seems to me too lazy to be an ENTp, notice him lying on the couch. ENFp - ENTp friendships do exist but romantic relationships rarely, if ever. The reason is probably that generally Eps are almost never seriously attracted to other Eps. You can have a lot of fun with other Eps, find them exciting, even attractive, but collaboration is difficult because we are so impulsive and impatient. With the exception of Identity relationship, where the people can have deep conversations with the help of their secondary functions and fall in love as a consequence, the Eps simply move too much for the feeling of support and deep emotion to appear. We need someone who calms us down and makes us stop and concentrate for a while. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A11 I'm in <3 with an ENTp - and he's going to break my heart RIGHT NOW. That's why I try not to get in contact with him before I've recollected myself. Is there a chance that an ENTp invests more when the other person withdraws? Isn't the ENTp way too smart for such an immature behaviour? Probably not, right? -- Anonymous
A12 I'm an ENTP who has been secretly in love with an ENFP for years. I'm gay and he... dates women. We met after graduating high school and after awhile lived together for a year and a half. When we're alone I don't think as much. He's a safe space for me to be weird cause he's weird too. We would stay up all night watching movies and making up things to eat and drink with our meager groceries or playing games or re-arranging the furniture. There has always been a slight competitive spirit between us but we deeply admire and support each other. He let's me vent about my work days and I help him sort out his flustered thoughts. It's an intoxicating dynamic when it hits right. Since my attraction to him was initially sexual I took a very calculated approach to our friendship at first to not let on, but as time went on I fell in love with his heroic demeanor and our dynamic. What's more, I began to see sides of him I wasn't seeing him show to other people and so I've been toe-ing the line with being physically affectionate to sort of test the water. And while it eventually became too much and I just went ahead and told him I was in love with him (he said 'I don't think i can reciprocate.') there were things he'd do or things he would say that would catch my attention and i would read into them heavily. And while we do get into deep discussions from time to time about unrelated topics, he isn't much of a talker when it comes to himself. He tends to avoid confrontation in relationships so I'm in the middle of trying to sort through it all with him right now: my feelings, whatever feelings he might have for me, whether the feelings i think he has for me are accurate (and whether or not he wants to acknowledge them if they are what i suspect), or if he sees right through what i'm doing and he's being kind enough to ignore it in the hopes i'll give up. The thing that trips me up is that he's constantly warm and likes to put out a ditzy vibe, but based on conversations we've had I don't want to think that he's obtuse. He's being hard to read, but I also think that's because he needs to be coaxed in a particular way to open up and that probably has to do with security. I've had to learn how to divorce my romantic/sexual feelings from my concern for him as a friend and my need for reconciliation and then to prioritize his needs above my own. So I'm being patient, but it sucks. I've been looking for perspective on the situation as well. Maybe an ENFP out there could help me peek inside his mind and let me know if I'm too wrapped up in my own thoughts and desires or if I'm reading him correctly. -- entp
A13 I'm an ENTP who has been secretly in love with an ENFP for years. I'm gay and he... dates women. We met after graduating high school and after awhile lived together for a year and a half. When we're alone I don't think as much. He's a safe space for me to be weird cause he's weird too. We would stay up all night watching movies and making up things to eat and drink with our meager groceries or playing games or re-arranging the furniture. There has always been a slight competitive spirit between us but we deeply admire and support each other. He let's me vent about my work days and I help him sort out his flustered thoughts. It's an intoxicating dynamic when it hits right. Since my attraction to him was initially sexual I took a very calculated approach to our friendship at first to not let on, but as time went on I fell in love with his heroic demeanor and our dynamic. What's more, I began to see sides of him I wasn't seeing him show to other people and so I've been toe-ing the line with being physically affectionate to sort of test the water. And while it eventually became too much and I just went ahead and told him I was in love with him (he said 'I don't think i can reciprocate.') there were things he'd do or things he would say that would catch my attention and i would read into them heavily. And while we do get into deep discussions from time to time about unrelated topics, he isn't much of a talker when it comes to himself. He tends to avoid confrontation in relationships so I'm in the middle of trying to sort through it all with him right now: my feelings, whatever feelings he might have for me, whether the feelings i think he has for me are accurate (and whether or not he wants to acknowledge them if they are what i suspect), or if he sees right through what i'm doing and he's being kind enough to ignore it in the hopes i'll give up. The thing that trips me up is that he's constantly warm and likes to put out a ditzy vibe, but based on conversations we've had I don't want to think that he's obtuse. He's being hard to read, but I also think that's because he needs to be coaxed in a particular way to open up and that probably has to do with security. I've had to learn how to divorce my romantic/sexual feelings from my concern for him as a friend and my need for reconciliation and then to prioritize his needs above my own. So I'm being patient, but it sucks. I've been looking for perspective on the situation as well. Maybe an ENFP out there could help me peek inside his mind and let me know if I'm too wrapped up in my own thoughts and desires or if I'm reading him correctly. -- entp
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A14 I'm an ENFP (male) madly amused by my best friend, kindred spirit, muse, inspiration ENTP (female).. I am 38. she's mid-twenties.. I have declared my love for her twice in three years. She doesn't feel the same. Or so she says. We literally gravitate to each other like there's no tomorrow.. I believe this will become a marriage of note! Let's see.. -- Anonymous
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