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Question #1288100877Tuesday, 26-Oct-2010
Category: INTj INTp
Can an INTJ be messy and chaotic? I'm tested as an INTJ, but I doubt about it. INTJs are usually systematic and organized- I'm not. However, I'm a planner, really not spontaneous and carefree, on the contrary, I'm always worrying about something. People describe me as absent-minded, detached and independent but even unpractical. I'm not so logical as INTPs but not so pragmatic as INTJs. I contemplated about being an NF temperament, but I'm not so soft-hearted to be one of them. Now, I'm puzzled-am I an INJ or INTP or something else? I'm definetely intuitive introvert but what next? By the way, I'm not good at maths and technics, but I love creative writing. Thanks for your reply. -- Anonymous
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A1 note: this is socionics, not MBTI. don't look at it as I/E N/S T/F J/P. we use functions in socionics, and while our functions were given the same name, don't use the two systems interchangeably, this will only confuse you. a j in socionics can be messy/chaotic, a p can be orderly. IM elements, intertype relations and VI are all more useful than the dichotomies. i suggest going to and reading up on INTj/INTp descriptions. INTj, being alpha, can sometimes appear more childish in humor whereas an INTp, gamma, has more dark humor, often enjoying irony and sarcasm. to be honest, so far i would say INTp -- Anonymous
A2 INTj can be messy so long as it doesn't interfere with planned objectives. They can also exhibit chaotic behaviour when overwhelmed or under stress. INTj will frequently only have directions rather than actual step-by-step plans (step-by-step is more Sj); they're not always systematic even though they can visualize systems. They can also be impractical but rarely illogical unless they lack information. INTj can be very well suited to creative writing but remain poor in spelling and grammar. Note that INTp can appear more logical because they think out loud – and will often tell you that they are more logical. Also, NF are not necessarily softhearted. -- I/O
A3 my guess, would be that you are an INTP that uses J logic when you make conscious decisions. So you plan, but then you doubt yourself and worry. Only subconsious perception would produce this effect, it doesn't work the other way around because the instinctive self of an INTJ isn't a chaotic logic path but a linear one. hope this helps. Btw, how old are you if you don't mind me asking? -- INTP know-it-all
A4 A1, thank you for your explanation, I'd read descriptions of each type on address that you suggested and I think I'm now smarter. A2, oh yes, when I think about it now, really not all NF are softhearted A3, I don't mind your asking- I'm sixteen. Does it somehow affect my type? -- Anonymous
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