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Question #1277286601Wednesday, 23-Jun-2010
Category: INTj
What would an INTJs version of Heaven be? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 One phrase: "We are the INTJ. Lower your shields and surrender your minds. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile." - The INTJ collective. -- Marty
A2 INTJ haven. A place where they can be completely alone forewer. -- jgbr
A3 Are you trying to give some optimism to a dying INTj? -- Anonymous
A4 i agree with jgbr....the only reason i like having people i can trust around is the fact that someone or something that might try to hurt me might show up.... being completely alone with no chance that anyone or anything will show up to disturb me sounds wonderful.... -- Anonymous
A5 Heaven defies logic, I don't think there is one. Reincarnation maybe. -- INTJ
A6 A warm concrete room with a cot, a computer and a one way mirror picture window. No door... -- Anonymous
A7 Back home. Part of everything as nothing. -- Anonymous
A8 contrary to what jgbr suggested, if heaven existis, my picture of heaven is meeting every single person I've ever known no matter how momentary and finding out how their whole life went from the time when we were together to the time when we were apart. We have all of eternity right? that and likley following the history of the universe from beginning to end. -- Anonymous
A9 As long as I can continue studying and working on projects, I'll be happy. What A8 said sounds pretty good too. -- Anonymous
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A10 A5: Heaven doesn't defy logic. It just defies your cynicism. -- INTp
A11 As and INTj Christian that believes that we will spending eternity in one of two places (heaven or hell). INTj heaven for me would be no longer being misunderstood by other the other 15-types as I freely "be" the INTj "me" -- Anonymous
A12 Timeless space, where I could work on my projects without clock ticking behind me. And a lot of open lone serene land, where I can glide on my thoughts. -- Anonymous
A13 A land in which everyone can do anything without fear of interference from another. A land in which people are less foolish and can understand one another without any barriers. A land of peace and respect. -- Anonymous
A14 A land of happiness (real long-term deep hapiness) in which our souls free from mundane considerations as Types (which, as useful as I find them now, are still mundane). Where you live the way you learned to live and you enjoy as much as you helped other people enjoy this live... A Christian INTj -- Anonymous
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