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Question #1264984788Monday, 1-Feb-2010
Category: Typing
If a person's always wanting to dominate a relationship and can be aggressive and draw a person to a wall, is that an ESTJ trait? my friend's controlling and love to take over. She's friendly but she sometimes gives off the mean vibe. She's friendly and loves to be shown affection to, but she might be a bit slow on showing affection. She tries to get along with everybody and talk to everyone. When shes in an argument, she likes to go by facts and anything that backs it up with a good evidence. But sometimes, when one of her friends leave with an unsolved problem, it gets her and she starts thinking about it a lot. It puts an affect on her and she gets angry very easily! is she an ESFJ or an ESTJ? thanks! -- Curious
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A1 I think more of ESFj. ESTjs are dominant but don't necessarily have the need to show this fact. ESFjs also are dominant but are unsure and need to bark and to show their emotions. They use their emotions in order to get what they want. Naturally ESTjs can blow up, but then it's an accident, it's not a manipulation -- piccolo_michel
A2 Intimidation, cruelty and sociability is common traits to both types but they differ in regards their mean streaks as ESFJ (especially females) are scornful while ESTJs behave insensitively. The clearest difference is ESFJ have cruel intentions and ESTJ act cruel inadvertently. Neither type appears overly affectionate (not publically) nor fanciful so I'd reason both types take more than they can give - realistic romantics. Both types appeal to reason and can be intolerent at times. I've never seen an ESTJ get upset with their friends in such a way so I'd conclude she's ESFJ with a bad temper. -- Anonymous
A3 The focus on facts and the slowness on showing affection sounds like ESTj to me; ESFj's, imo, LOVE to show affection and let their love just gush out all over the place. -- Anonymous
A4 I have observed that any type can be dominant. This trait seems completely independent of type to me. Just that every type has a different kind of dominance. I have seen relationships of a huge ESTp man and a seemingly fragile INFp woman where the woman is the dominant one, of an outgoing but submissive ESFp and a strong INTp, and similar. This girl looks to me like a dominant ST. I have seen ESTps, ISTjs and ESTjs behave like you describe, so she might be one of these types. -- Ezis (ESFp)
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