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Question #1258294891Sunday, 15-Nov-2009
Category: Type me!!!
Hi, everyone. I need help trying to figure out which type I most fit. I'm wavering between INFP and INTP. Can anyone help?I used to be very quiet and pretty sensitive, but now I'm more outgoing and less quiet (still sensitive). The outgoingness depends on my mood. I appear absent-minded,like I'm not all there, but I'm paying attention to what's going on. I tend to like to hear myself talk. I think a lot, I don't mind being with people sometimes and I don't mind being alone, either. I tend to be fairly hands-on and practical, though somewhat lazy.I'm emotional and moody, but can be analytical. I'm unscheduled. -- fg1
Your Answers: 1+ 12+ 21+
A12 At A11: I don't go to parties, but in public situations and with people I know, I do isolate myself from them for a while, but that depends on my mood and the people I'm with. As for the second question, I don't walk with my arms crossed, I do look down occasionally and I have a straight face on. I walk at a medium pace. I can look sad sometimes. Thank you for your responses, guys. -- fg1
A13 A11: I didn't consider INTp because they're my Duals and I know a lot of them, and when they write something, also on this site, they speak more or less "my language" and I understand their posts on the first reading; while with fg1's posts, I had to strain myself a bit and read the posts several times to be able to understand them. I don't get this "Dual vibe" with her, plus INTps have no problems dealing with criticism that comes out of the blue, while fg1 said that it was one of the things she is most uncomfortable with. That's most common in Fis. Also, I find myself trying to behave with her exactly the same way as I do with my INFj sister. - My guess was actually INFj, not INFp. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A14 At A13: I don't know if this would help, but maybe you could describe yourself a bit and see how I relate to you( if you don't mind), so I could get a better idea of where I stand on my typing. I'm still not entirely sure about INFj. Is the possibility of my being an Extrovert completely out of the picture given my descriptions? -- fg1
A15 A14: I think it isnt out of the picture, though I still think the INFj variant the most probable, but am not sure as to which extrovert you might be. The only variant I personally can imagine is ESTj. - Well, I dont know how to describe myself... I am an ESFp, 26 year old woman, an active Presbyterian of Jewish origin... lets say, very physical but with huge admiration to people who are much less physical than me and to theology, general linguistics, C.S.Lewis, Tolkien and Jules Verne. I love graceful dancing (but only old Indian dance called kathak), it makes me feel my identity. I express myself best through dancing, music and jokes. I am very serious-thinking, about relationships, languages, philosophy and such topics, but I also really love fun and jokes, but only well-meant ones. I love to make people laugh and make them feel cheerful and comfortable. I sometimes go to the extremes to please people and would do anything for them, sometimes I go to the extremes to please myself. I am quite chaotic, like I go to one room to do something and then do something completely different, but my room is clean and my table and diary are very orderly. I like talking and hanging around with people and do that a lot, but only with a few closest friends. I dont have problems talking to strange people, but only when I am in a role or have a task, like talking to tourists when I am tourist-guiding, otherwise I am very shy. I change two positions: I am either calm, attentive and shy, or straightforward, cheeky, over-self-confident and inappropriate, but never vulgar; with the latter prevailent. I dont mind doing my chores every day if I can listen to something interesting in the process and I have the prospect of at least small change or adventure in the future. I have very good visual and audio memory and always know exactly what is going on, and have associative thinking, but need INps to deduce some more general understanding of what I have seen. I feel at home in the world of spontaneous activities and when I cannot live in it for a long time, I become overcritical of everything and start to have irrational fears and nightmares. On the other hand, when I have contact with spontaneous activities only, I start to be very calm, rational and organized and eventually uncomfortable in such a role. I dont like the idea of having a piece of land and I hate owning too much, I throw out and give to others a lot of things, because I need a lot of free space and need to have a special relationship to everything that belongs to me. I hate ordering people around and dont know how to make well-pre-thought decisions, but am forced by circumstances to do so a lot. I take every person as an individual, usually dont think about people in categories, except for nationalities and Socionics types. I have several interests that I like to define myself by, and I love making people enthusiastic about them. Generally, I live through interests, loves (more often things, ideas, hobbies, books, films etc. than people), admirations and activities. Visually, I look like a darker, feminine version of Daniel Radcliffe (Well, that is what comes to my mind now, hope all this helps somehow ) -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A16 Thanks for answering. What variant of the INFj do I sound like? Do ESTjs act like how I do?I'm pretty sensitive, so I don't know if that discounts me from being a Thinking type. I'm sometimes described as being a scientist, because I think and analyze a lot( not as much anymore). I'm not very physical, though I used to exercise for a period of time because I was overweight. I like dancing, but not in public. I also like music and sometimes like to discuss deep topics. I like to have fun, too, but I can be serious( if I really want to). My demeanor is often serious, even though I'm not always. I also like to make people laugh and I tease people I know a lot. I do like to go out of my way to please people, sometimes too much, but I've drawn back on this regard. My room is fairly messy. Even when I clean up really well, it still gets messy afterwards. I like talking to people, but those I'm very close too as well. It's only when I'm in a bad mood that I draw away from those people. I am calm and a bit shy, but have come out of my shell. People describe me as no nonsense, very peaceful, sweet, and gentle. I look kind of spaced out. I don't like doing chores, but I have to do them so the place doesn't get too out of hand. I do like laid back environments, where people can relax. I don't like when others do things at the last minute unless there's a legitimate reason( even though I find myself studying at the last second). I appear relaxed, but I'm subconsciously judging the outside environment or in some cases wanting to control an environment that's in chaos. I'm always saying when I drive that people don't pay attention and are careless. I am a bit of a pack rat. I keep things I don't really need, but see some potential use for it. I can agree with you when you say that you live through interests. I feel the same way. -- fg1
A17 I took the Socionics Type Assistant and I either score as an INFj or an INFp, and sometimes an ISFp, so I'm not sure. I can relate to INTps but I don't think I am one (too sensitive). Can anyone describe any of these types he/she knows so I can narrow it down some more? -- fg1
A18 I actually had the same dilemma as you, trying to type myself between an INTP and an INFP. What I've found is that my preferences (which are all the MBTI measures) can vary with my context; or the stage or sphere of life that I am in. For example, if I take the MBTI with a work/school mindset, I give different answers than I do when I am in a weekend/relationship mindset. Sometimes I take the test both ways to see where I end up. Personally, I grew up as a strong INTP, until I got older and learned the value of emotion in relationships and developing knowledge of self. Now, I can almost consciously choose which type I will bring to the table, based on what I think a situation calls for. But here's how you can tell whether you really even have an issue here to consider: Have you ever made a decision based solely on your gut, even when logic would tell you to do something else? This is the kind of thing that an INTP would only do a few times in a lifetime. Or conversely, have you ever done anything that made you feel sick inside? That is about as non-INFP as it gets. If given the choice, the INFP will always follow their moral instinct, while the INTP will follow the outcome of their logical analysis. -- Anonymous
A19 @ a18: I think I make decisions based on reason. I don't really trust my gut, but in some cases, I trust my gut when it comes to making decisions about other people's actions. Second, I have done some things that made me feel bad and sometimes I ignore those feelings and other times when I have to confront my feelings about the situation, I'm either unwilling to or I end up getting hung up over it. -- fg1
A20 A19 - Denying feelings is stopping growth. The alive, energetic, creative, and fulfilled authentic self is not allowed to emerge. Emotions help humans make beneficial decisions. for example in an experiment where people who had frontal lobe damage the area that regulates emotions were asked to pick cards from 3 piles, one that had a highest negative expected value (3 out of every 4 cards made the subject lose money) one was neutral and the third was the safest option ie it had the highest positive expected value. they were asked to choose cards from these decks over and over. Over time people in the control (ones with no frontal lobe damage) started picking only from the deck that gave a positive expected value, while the other group kept picking from the riskiest deck even though they kept loosing money. Why? Because there was no regret in loosing the money which was causing them to make self harming decisions. Whereas in the control group it was seen on MRI scans that there was increased activity in the brain when they lost money - i.e. they "felt bad." There are countless other reasons why emotions are GOOD for you. When you dont feel bad about something you are not learning anything from it and you will continue to do that which will cause more negative emotions which you wont have a clue about and make you resent everything in your life. Emotions is what makes a person beautiful. They feel bad about something and they beat themselves up for a while and dont repeat it. People that learn to think about all of their emotions and learn from it are not any luckier than people that dont. They have will and are virtuous. Anyone can have will, its the virtuous that make it happen. -- Anonymous
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