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Question #1255088163Friday, 9-Oct-2009
Category: ESFp INFp Relationship
Hey I am a ESFP Married (currently separated 1month) from a INFP. Finding it difficult. She says I am controlling, emmotionally abusive and not trusting. I think it may be we don't speak the same language. We normally have a good friendship, but have very different value systems. Any ideas on how I can communicate to them? Thanks anything would be great -- Dawson creek b.c.
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A1 Hi, well what I usually find disturbing about esfps is their hedonistic streak, it seems to be all about groovy experiences, fun and coold gadgets..stroking the senses. You should try to relate what she finds important, we infp are very idealistic eventhough we might always be able to fulfill our ideals (banish hunger) we feel connected to someone who can relate to our theories and dreams. -- Laila
A2 I am afraid my comment won't cheer you up much. My experience with INFps is: the more I try to improve the communication with them, the less interested in me they are. For us ESFps, improving communication means using our Fi, and that's an area in which they aren't interested. What works is not thinking much about the communication, moe like practical co-operation and random funny comments on the situation. Shortly put, our Se. After all, it's what we share with their ESTp Duals. What she sees as emotionally abusive and controlling is your Fi and Te respectively, and she needs Fe and Ti. Btw, how have you managed to get married to an INFp? My relationships with them have never managed to further than the boundaries of something-just-a-bit-more-than a usual friendship. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A3 Are you not Hema Artist? I wrong to assume that I'm not being watched by just you? It's not meant to offend you or start an arguement. At the very least it is supposed to be funny and I guess if there is more too it, it is meant to defend myself. ...the flaw of divergent thinking...a million possibilities and a good number of them could be true. -- Anonymous
A4 Are you not Hema Artist? I wrong to assume that I'm not being watched by just you? It's not meant to offend you or start an arguement. At the very least it is supposed to be funny and I guess if there is more too it, it is meant to defend myself. ...the flaw of divergent thinking...a million possibilities and a good number of them could be true. -- Anonymous
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