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Question #1254766979Monday, 5-Oct-2009
Category: Personality Stereotype
Which personality type would be the most intensely passionate, searching for a depth in others and sometimes because of this seen as opinionated? -- Suzzy
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A1 At least half of the types of people in the world prefer meaningful over superficial relationships. -- Anonymous
A2 INFp? -- INFp guy
A3 Any type that values Fi: ESFP, ISFJ, INTP, ENTJ, ESTJ, ISTP, ENFP, INFJ. In other words, gamma and delta quadras. -- Anonymous
A4 Searching for a depth in others, that would mean extraversion and intuition. Seen as opinionated would mean thinking. So that would make ENTp and ENTj. ENFj with ENFp would also fit, but not as opinionated as contrary to logic. -- :-)
A5 But the question is written like very weird. "Who is the most passionate" what translates "who is better then others", and at the same time "who seeks depth in others" what would mean "who is more clever then others", which is another b-s and then "seen as opinionated", what would translate to "arrogant". All of that would make any narcisst thinking of himself and asking others like him to answer the question. Being passionate doesnt have to do with socionics. -- :-)
A6 In response to question 5 the question was written as short as possible for a reason - to save writing a long question. Um, also I think that maybe your assumptions were very negative but I do appreciate you trying to answer the question. Maybe if I shared the context of why I am asking this question in greater detail it would be beneficial, so here goes..I was recently at a wedding and seated at the same table as a lady that I have been acquainted with for a year or so. She is an odd lady who is soooo passionate and intense with everyone that she talks to. Well the night of the wedding was no different, she shared from the bottom of her heart on every subject spoken at our table. What she didn't realize though is that the men in particular thought that she was opinionated because of this intensity. But the truth is she wasn't opinionated at all - what we were hearing were cries or even screams from the bottom of her heart. I spoke with her one on one later in the evening and she shared that she likes to push peoples buttons to get a reaction and it annoys her if people don't show convictions and emotions. I could see that she was carrying a lot of hurt and this was part of what she was displaying to others. I wondered if this was someone from the Beta quadra as I have read that they like emotional involvement of others. She dresses with at least one thing odd every time I see her and it's like this oddity is done on purpose to make her stand out. I am sure that she is intuitive. I would love to be able to work her personality type out as we get on quite well and I have not met anyone else like her. Help me if you can. Thanks -- Suzzy
A7 Suzzy, Fe (ISFP, ESFJ, INFP, ENFJ) is the function more adequate for social chit-chat and keeping things lighthearted and fun. Fe connects with others based on "externals" - e.g., where you work, what do you do, how's your family, how do you feel right now. Fi (ISFJ, ESFP, ENFP, INFJ) plumbs the depths of human experience. Fi knows how to connect with others on a deeper level based on values, principles, and the depths of longterm emotional experiences. @A4, ENTP and ENTJ use two different kinds of intuition. That's an important distinction, regardless of both being extraverted types. The ENTJ would seek more depth in terms of personal values. ENTP appreciates the good laugh-in-the-moment, the smiles and jokes - that sort of thing. -- Anonymous
A8 ENFj is the first thing that came to mind, but who knows. -- Anonymous
A9 ENFP, they lady you're describing sounds just my sister. -- Anonymous
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