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Question #1254409510Thursday, 1-Oct-2009
Category: ENFj ENFp j/p Theory
Whats the difference between Enfj and Enfp? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Ha ha ha. The main difference between 2 is quite a paradox. ENFj is very serious, but likes to act spontanously and a little bit "crazy", which is rooted in 4th function of ENFj. ENFp's are not serious, but keeps appearing like he/she is serious and having strong believes, which is really rooted in 4th function. -- :-)
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A2 You will laugh your *** off when you're together the first few times. Then you'll realize that you understand things deceivingly different... The quasi aspect of the relationship will make you think you understand everything well, but there are a few things to note when you're in a relationship. ENFJ's can "sweep things under the rug" for a while, then they quietly go do their own thing. ENFP's can't fake anything very well... and they can tell when others fake things, and sweep things under the rug. You will have an endless push/pull battle of "you're the one with the issues..." The ENFJ will be a serial sweep-under-the-rug ist... and the ENFP will constantly get upset because they can tell the enfj is hiding things... so the enfp will then say random stuff to ruffle the feathers of the enfj, to the point they "break" and say what's really on their mind. It sounds like a constant war.. but it's not. Mostly they can come to terms with stuff pretty quickly, after a nice heated battle... and be quite good friends. but the discussions will be long, and exhausting, in order for both parties to come to full understanding, and sometimes they will feel as though the path they are on goes in a large circles... this has been my experience. -- Anonymous
A3 Well....I always tested as an enfj in my twenties and eary thirties, but recently in the last year I keep testing as an enfp! I did not think it was possible to change, but I did go through a traumatic experience that led me to open up my mind quite a for me the main difference is in the letting go of narrow thinking and the holding tightly to certain beliefs about myself and the world. I am more open and brave now as an enfp. -- Anonymous
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