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Question #1253806105Thursday, 24-Sep-2009
Category: Type me!!!
I am having a hard time figuring out my type. I went to another site and posted my picture but haven't gotten anywhere other then people asking more questions about me. I wonder if it helps if you look at the celebs. on this page and try to get a general feel about them. I'm between ILI and IEI, and when I look at those people I feel more comfortable with the gamma quadra. Does this method work, or do I just like certain people over others for different reason? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Don't go by celebrates looks...They're probably asking you questions because it's not good to rely on VI alone for identifying type. I was trying to decide between ILI & IEI too at one point, a question you should ask yourself is do you find yourself acting more cool-headed and standoffish in public or warm-hearted and passionate in public? You have to decide between extroverted thinking and extroverted ethics. -- JR
A2 Can you post the links of your pics? -- Anonymous
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A3 This may sound crazy, but if someone can't decide if they are T or F I always think they are T. -- Anonymous
A4 You will find a pic of me here. Regarding your question, I don't really act warm and passionate in public, in fact I try to stay away from people like that; but it could be something that isn't type related. -- Anonymous
A5 This may sound crazy, but if someone can't decide if they are T or F I always think they are T. - Anonymous Why would you automatically think that? -- Anonymous
A6 INFps tend to get their feelings hurt more easily, INTps tend to be more stand offish and not care as much about people. -- Anonymous
A7 Based on how you address other people with your writing, I would say INTp. -- INFp guy
A8 That doesn't really give me an answer; I mean anyone can address people in all kinds of ways. It all depends on the question, your mood, etc. Also, these are just words being typed, you can't really tell someones intentions unless you hear the words from their own mouth. -- Anonymous
A9 A8: "I don't really act warm and passionate in public, in fact I try to stay away from people like that". I still say INTp. Your best bet is to figure out your creative function. -- INFp guy
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