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Question #1249162624Saturday, 1-Aug-2009
Category: ENFp INTp Dating Intertype Relations
How well do you think an INTP and an ENFP would do in a relationship? -- ENFP
Your Answers: 1+ 13+
A13 A11: Interesting description, but actually, most of what you describe INTps do I have experienced with both INTjs and INTps. But because I am an ESFp, INTjs hurt me a lot and I still remember the wounds while with INTps it is usually a huge fight but we are OK again the next day. I don't agree INTps are calculating if they feel they've been hurt. As far as I know, they don't realize they feel hurt, or realize it but don't say it and it comes out suddenly during a crisis. But they don't plan for bursting out. "They are good at finding weak points and striking with laser-like precision pointing out flaws and hypocrisies" - that's what I've observed with INTjs, not in INTps so far. An infuriated INTp is usually like „I feel hurt I but I won’t tell you I feel hurt, I will only hint it and then tell you that this and this was stupid of you.“ They strike sometimes, too, like you say, but then it’s unexpected even to them , not calculated, and they definitely don’t find weak points. If they were good at finding weak points I couldn’t be with them because I am scared of such people. I guess because their F is introverted they aren't able to "direct" their bad mood at anyone and they stick to their personal feelings regarding one momentary situation. Their T is extroverted so they're able to direct their criticism at anyone, but as it's their forte it’s their way of everyday conversation; it's their creative function and they soon become conscious of it and learn how to use it creatively. I haven’t witnessed an INTp pointing out hypocrisies; the only INTp whom I know to do this was C.S.Lewis during university discussions and in his books - it was kind of his pastime, not a result of being hurt. (again, Te as a conscious and creative function). This is probably one aspect of INTp duality with ESFps: ESFps are so open and spontaneous about their emotions they can gradually teach the INTps to express their emotions openly and immediately. -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A14 INTp and ENFp dont match they rarly work out for long and they are the familys that are only together still for the kids. as for A2 if you have to work to mae the relationship to work its not worth it it will be misreble or fail trust me ive had plenty of experince. if its and intp or enfp relationship just end it quickly it stops the suffering for both of you. -- INTp
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