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Question #1247875689Saturday, 18-Jul-2009
Category: Stereotype Personality
Another question from me.. sorry, lol... What's your type, and in what way are you different from your stereotype? -- Simon the INFp
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A9 A4: Interesting post. It proves some things I thought about INTps are actually true, at least with some INTps. I just hope you don't idealize us ESFps too much, and I personally am less critical of Alpha scientists, my ENTp boss really cares about all members of the department and is interested in explaining complicated linguistic theories to the first year students in simple terms, and he's very good at it. You know, I think the description of INTps here is at least partly a description of INTjs, and vice versa. There are some phrases in the INTj description that I am sure describe my Dual, not a Conflict, because they speak of things that I love about INTps, like "the facial structure itself is often reminiscent of ancient portraits because of its angularity and composition of the features", "In many cases INTjs are slim" (I don't know any fat INTps but several fat INTjs), "Their gait is somewhat unsure, wavering slightly" (more typical of p's), "Their speech is very clear and logical and they always follow a logical progression" (that's obvious Te), "They cut out all irrelevant details" (that's what I like about INTps because my speech is full of irrelevant details), "when they become inspired during conversation an emotionality previously unseen begins to emerge" (that's what I share with INTps and what INTjs criticize), "always give others a chance to say what they need to say. They consider that everyone has got talents and they try at least not to interfere" (I am lucky here because my talent develops only around people who don't interfere), "have a very characteristic tendency to independence and can only accept a whole freedom" (of course, they're paired with Ses!). -- Ezis (ESFp)
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A10 Hi, I'm an ENFj/ENFJ. I don't like to start conversations, I want other people to start them and then I participate as much as I can. I understand people, but, unlike Ni's standards, I'm very trusting of people, some kind of a weakness. I don't discriminate people and don't mind social levels as much as other people think. But I want to be everyone's friend and helper. I'm not moody and don't like strong emotions, except something happy!!!!! -- Anonymous
A11 I'm an ENTp and I'm not so unable to evaluate people, as the stereotype, actually the reverse. I know who to trust or who to suspect, and my predictions proved more or less true in most of the cases. Relatives use to say I'm naive, that happens only about strangers, but I "smell" people easily and I keep off-guard with those who I find "clean" . -- Mihai
A12 I'm an istp and a very nice person. -- Anonymous
A13 I'm an INFp and I like to party like a crazy, belligerent hooligan. Haha! -- Anonymous
A14 I'm A10, another thing not common of my type that I have is emotional stability, I overcome things easily, but does not mean that it hurts sometimes xD -- Anonymous
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