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Question #1246420766Wednesday, 1-Jul-2009
Category: Theory
Extreme N(intuition) and F(feeling) = High empathy? -- ENFP
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A1 most definitely. As I age, I try not to empathize too much with everyone...because there's nothing to gain from it and i'm not not some good samaritan. But a lot of people always tell me "it feels so good to talk to you" usually about some kind personal crisis they have going on on interpersonal problem... Now I try to shut off more and only empathize with close people only. -- ENFp
A2 It's not related to type. All types are highly empathetic, it's just that they have entirely different ways of expressing it. For example, an ISTj's life is governed by empathy but in an entirely different way; theirs is about the actions and details they can accomplish to make life as easy/nice/comfortable as possible for others, rather than the discussion of emotions. It would never be expressed, but it comes out in the preemptive steps that they take. -- Anonymous
A3 I'd say it was also true that these people are very aware of how people percieve them and are very sensitive. Therefore, I think they are more likely to resent their parents and fall out with them... -- Simon the INFp
A4 But ISTJ are usually totally unaware of how people around them feel, so it's kind of irrelevant in the context of the question... -- Anonymous
A5 = high empathy. -- alpha female
A6 A4: The term empathy is itself a misnomer. It is impossible to experience the feelings of another. People are governed by their own sensory input and memory and we cannot displace these to feel the emotions of someone else. The ability to displace is not a choice, it's a permanent disability. When we commonly “empathize” with someone, we’re not truly separating ourselves because we see that person as an extension of ourselves. We are only feeling for that person as part of ourselves. Empathy is really only projected self-pity. For example, if we discover a friend has been cheated on, we don’t feel sorry for the friend because she has been cheated on. We imagine how it would feel be to be cheated on and project that feeling onto our friend and then react to that feeling — thus projected self-pity. We are only reacting to ourselves in that situation. Therefore, to say that an ISTj is unaware of how others feel is just as accurate as saying that a xNFx person is unaware of how others feel. The only difference is an ISTj probably won't delude themselves into thinking otherwise. -- INFp guy
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