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Question #1242379766Friday, 15-May-2009
Category: INFj INTj
What are some of the differences and similarities between infj and intj? -- Anonymous
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A1 Similarities, perfectionists, prone to emotional extrems, casual dressers.... Diffrences, infjs are intrested in words and conecting with people while intj's are more intressted in creating the perfect system, or whatever else they are trying to put together. Infj's are easily hurt, but also recover quickly (unless they hold a grudge), while intj's are not easily hurt but when they are it is much more difficult for them to recover. (my mother is infj, younger brother intj). -- Miss D, INTP
A2 A1 puts it nicely. here's some more similarities and differences that go to the heart of these two types. SIMILARITIES: both types are extremely concerned with how their actions impact on other ppl, not just in the sense of their immediate friends, family, but society as a whole, now and in the future. Both are very private, and tend to keep their thoughts and feelings to themselves. Both have a secretly dark or wry sense of humour. Both tend to work slowly and meticulously, but at a consistent pace. Both are very loyal to those close to them. Both are good at seeing the bigger picture. Both are concerned (but in different ways) with social norms. Both tend to be quite accommodating of others most of the time, but have firm boundaries when it comes to personal relations. Both greatly admire those who push themselves to do the 'impossible'. Both are very imaginative, creative, and can hold complex systems in their heads. DIFF's: INTj's seek to understand....INFj's seek to know. For instance, INFj's will first try to see things from the other person's POV. INTj's will more likely go straight to assessing the efficacy of a person's POV - the accuracy/inaccuracy of their statements, their logical consistency, etc. INTj's are utilitarians (the greater good counts most) ...INFj's follow a rights-based morality (the rights of the individual counts most). They have different aesthetics - INTj's being more concerned with logical consistency, simplicity, clarity, accessibility, TRUTH; INFj's being more concerned with emotional affect, aesthetic beauty in the conventional sense, imaginative-ness, entertainment value over truth, not all that concerned with accessibility, can prefer convolusion even...INTj's are probably more organized, better planners, and more open to wacky ideas. INFj's are probably better in the arts as they can better comprehend readers/audience's personal reactions. -- S
A3 A2, you are right on some points, but don't rule out INTj's completely in the arts. NF's tend to get all the credit, all the time when it comes to acting, painting, ect. But by doing this, you are denying all the talented NT artists in the world. Though not the most spotlight hogging, INTj's like Maria Bello, Angela Lansbury, Sigourney Weaver, Carrie-Anne Moss (as listed here on socionics) are actually quite terrific actors! They clearly go for a different approach in acting than INFJ's, but I like the results. It gets tiresome hearing the stereotypic careers for each personality type. Maybe not all isfj's want to be homemakers and nurses, and maybe not all infj's want to work in the clergy and not all intj's want to be business administrators! And don't forget Director George Lucas and writers Jane Austen and Ayn Rand are also INTJ's. P.S. writing and directing is also not listed as an interest or career aspiration for INTJ's :/ -- Anonymous
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A4 yeah, good points A3. can't argue against them. i definitely didn't mean to say that INTj's and NT's in general should be 'completely' ruled out of the arts. i think i just enjoy INFj work more than INTj work, but that could just be my subjective opinion. that being said, the most creative person i've met is an INTj. there's a lot of NT work that i like as well. and part of the fun of arts is the variety anyhow. yeah i think i mentioned arts (how did you know i was thinking specifically of writing and directing lol? you read my mind) b/c it's a personal dilemma for me when i try to produce creative pieces - whether to take a more INTj approach or a more INFj approach. both approaches seem equally merited. -- S
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