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Question #1241817350Friday, 8-May-2009
Category: Typing Celebrities
What type do you think was Friedrich Nietszche? I think he was the ultimate INTp. -- solo
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A1 I agree to an extent, although I think he definitely had some INFP tendencies. His work shows a greater understanding of human feeling than most INTP's are capable of, and also a less precise logic than INTP's usually convey. Towards the end of his life, he demonstrated some rather outlandish ENFP behaviour, although this was most certainly due to emotional disturbance and deterioration of his once brilliant mental capacities. -- Dave
A2 He was an INTJ. If he were INTp, he would have been better at composing music because what he wrote would have been original. He also writes like an INTj : don't be fooled by his fragments and look at his grammatical structure : how clean and logically progressing it is! If you see his handwriting, it has none of the messiness perceiving types usually show (every single introverted perceiving type i've seen writes exceptionnaly neat and every single perceiving type i've seen writes messy). -- an EN T/F (50/50) p
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A3 Friedrich Nietszche, ISTJ, "The Realist", Serious, Pessimistic, Trustee, They are solemn and not given to emotional expression, they are thinkers, analyzers, they anticipate problems. - Nietzsche’s works remain controversial, and there is widespread disagreement about their interpretation and significance. Part of the difficulty in interpreting Nietzsche arises from the uniquely provocative style of his philosophical writing. Nietzsche frequently delivered trenchant critiques of Christianity in the most offensive and blasphemous terms possible given the context of 19th century Europe. These aspects of Nietzsche's style run counter to traditional values in philosophical writing, and they alienated him from the academic establishment both in his time and, to a lesser extent, today. - In Daybreak Nietzsche begins his "Campaign against Morality".[46] He calls himself an "immoralist" and harshly criticizes the prominent moral schemes of his day: Christianity, Kantianism, and utilitarianism. In Ecce Homo Nietzsche called the establishment of moral systems based on a dichotomy of good and evil a "calamitous error",[47] and wished to initiate a re-evaluation of the values of the Judeo-Christian world.[48] He indicates his desire to bring about a new, more naturalistic source of value in the vital impulses of life itself. /Wikipedia/ -- jgbr
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