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Question #1237642963Saturday, 21-Mar-2009
Category: Intertype Relations Statistics
What type are you and what type is your best friend? What's your relationship like? -- Anonymous
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A1 I'm an INFp, and I think my best friend is an INFj... We are really comfortable around each other and find each other really funny... I'm really disorganised and I'm constantly losing things, and he kind of looks after me... He's often pretty miserable, and I try to make him feel better by telling him things won't be so bad and stuff like that... I'm usually quite quiet, but when I'm around him I'm full of energy and tell jokes and muck around... He often takes the mick out of some of the stuff I do and say, but I like it, because it shows, like I said before, that he's comfortable with me, and I just laugh... -- Simon the INFp
A2 I'm an INFp, and my best friend is an ISTp. But I'm in a horrible relationship with an ISTp boyfriend, and I'm thinking about damping him. We're in a long-distance relationship, and he doesn't show up in our regular video meeting recently. When I cried, he said that we haven't been together for long time (5 months), and he doesn't know whether the chemistry is still there. Then he told me to wait until the end of this summer for him to visit me. Then we can decide whether we still have chemistry... I guess that he is dating other women, so I don't wait for him online today. But I'm really really sad. -- Anonymous
A3 I'm an ISTp, and I can't narrow it down to a best friend, but I have about 4 or 5 guys that I have overwhelming respect and trust for, and their types are ENFp, 2 ISTp's, INTj, and ESTj. I have a close ENTp friend, but he's a sketchball in my book, so I can't list him with the previous. With the ENFp and ISTp's, we are the masters of leisure, although we will usually play basketball, wiffle, poker, or something else thats extremely awesome. Afterwards, we usually chief a beaner (or two(or three)) on the couch, and probably say some of the most hilarious/ridiculous sh*t you've ever heard.. some people wouldn't be able to handle it. With the INTj, I usually tackle building projects with him, like wrenching out a car, fixing up a boat, or cleaning. He can usually stimulate me into doing these things. We also like each other's taste, though completely different, in music. Finally, with the ESTj, we get along very well, with a lot of mutual respect. Pretty much like another ISTp, except he won't hesitate to say something, is fairly organized, and is highly motivated towards the goals he wants to achieve. -- Anonymous
A4 I'm an ISFj with a best friend who is also an ISFj. It can be fun because we understand each other really well and have similar ideas about fun. But it can also be bad because we're both kinda boring, and when we're together a lot of the time we can't think of stuff to do. I used to be best friends with an ESTj though, who was probably the best friend I've ever had. We just clicked. I remember thinking that we got along so well because we were so similar. Ironic, huh? One thing that was really great was that as an ISFj I really don't like conflict, and she was so much easier to be around than all the other xxFj drama queens I'd been friends with throughout my life. Also, I think she liked being my friend because I'm pretty stable and I listen pretty well. Also we were both obsessed with a TV we'd run around quoting it and wearing our matching t-shirts every time a new episode was on. Then...she started dating one of our close friends and they kind of formed a bubble and stopped talking to anybody else. It really upset me at first, but I'm an ISFj so I couldn't bring myself to confront her. And looking back on it, since she's an ESTj she didn't think to worry about my feelings so much. Now we haven't talked in five months. Guess that's semi-duality for ya, huh? -- ISFj
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A5 I am an infj and my best friend is an infp. Sometimes, it's very hard to think of my relationship with her is just friends because of the huge chemistry we have, but in truth that's really all there is. We're have a very accurate understanding of eachother. Though we don't usually just offer up extremely personal information, it doesn't take much prying from either end to get the other talking. We can and do talk about anything that comes to mind and we make fun of eachother about 99% of the time we're together. I'm very glad to have met her and it seems I can have this kind of relationship with an infp. -- Anonymous
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