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Question #1234053927Sunday, 8-Feb-2009
Category: Advice Typing
I'm one of those people who doesn't go looking for trouble, trouble always looks for me. As a result, I am a nervous wreck. I find relaxing impossible. I'm not sure about my type (anyone care to guess?) What can I do to shut off the alarm in my head? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Well, if you're truly not doing anything to bring trouble your way, it would come down to bad luck, bad karma, or unfavorable environment, and your personality type would not factor into it. But since you bring this up within the context of guessing your type, perhaps you suspect that your personality inadvertently draws trouble to you. I have recently met a person like that. I won't go into the details, but her life has fallen apart in major ways, and she attributes it all to bad karma from a past life, since she believes she has been faultless in this life. My impression of her is that her behavior is responsible for drawing misfortune into her life. She is routinely critical of people she has just met, considers herself intellectually and morally superior to others, and seems to have a way of turning people against her. At present, I am on the outs with her myself. My guess at her type is Socionics INFp. She considers herself highly intuitive (even psychic), yet her intuition seems disconnected from the external world and often leads her to form erroneous opinions about people. She uses extraverted feeling as her main tool of persuasion, which rules out INTp. While ENFj is a possibility, she has been trying to play a benefactor role with me, and I am an INTj. So I would go with INFp, which plays the benefactor role to my type. Your situation could be similar to or different from hers. I really couldn't say without more to go on. Also, I'm not ready to say that certain types are more prone to attracting trouble. It might be a factor, but I suspect that is more a matter of character than of type. Since I don't know your situation, I can offer only the general advice of applying knowledge of your personality towards growth as a person. -- An INTj
A2 Hmm. Seems like you don't like conflicts. -- Anonymous
A3 Meditate? *shrug* Why don't you write a little bit more about yourself so we can help you find your type? -- Anonymous
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A4 Looking for trouble and having trouble find you are one and the same. Trouble and nervousness are present within your life only because you allow them to be, not because it's there against your wishes. -- Anonymous
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