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Question #1231799612Monday, 12-Jan-2009
Category: ENFp Typing
I have been able to successfully identify 15 out of the 16 socionic types, but for the life of me I cannot seem to spot an ENFp. How can I identify one? What are the real characteristics that set them apart? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Usually have a kind of shocked/grasping-to-comprehend look about their faces. Movements are very quick and impulsive, as is their manner of speech. Very inclined to use their hands while talking. Like to think about problems out loud. When engaged with somebody else, will usually provide abrput responses (eg., "Right." or "Oh..."). Never really seem to listen to what others say, but still provide interesting company (this last item being strictly an INFp perspective). -- INFp guy
A2 Well, I guess they are all the other you cannot type. -- Vlad - INTj
A3 Just based on observations, one of them my mother; goes through quiet periods than all of a sudden can become talkative. Moods can change suddenly and without warning, often reserving certain moods for certain individuals. Can be disorganized, both physically or/and mentally. Gets bored easily, frequently starting one things than moving on to another before finishing it, maybe going back to it later on. Good at starting conversations and maintaining them. Walk quickly, can be clumsy. Can be very impulsive and unpractical, usually regretful afterward. Strongly dislike negative people or killjoys. -- An INFj
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A4 Hey there! I'm an enfp and I can say that A3 nailed the description. However, personally I can maintain conversations (like A3 said) but I usually don't for a long time. I generally move on to different conversations with other people to quickly especially since I enjoy being with large groups of people. Also, ENFP can sometimes seem "bipolar" in a way. I was actually diagnosed with bipolar disorder (which is well maintained with low dose medication) but I'm beginning to think part of it might just be my personality. Hope that helps. -- someguy
A5 ENFps are generally very warm and bubbly, but the emotionality of ENFps is very diffuse and not at all concentrated. They seem very flighty and opportunistic and often readily abandon current pursuits in favor of new prospects (base ) and tend to exhibit an optimistic, happy-go-lucky attitude. Their style of humor is usually quite playful and coy, rather similar to the INFp's, but less outwardly mischievous and impish. Typically, they value sensitivity and are somewhat inclined towards sentimentalism (creative ). Female ENFps, in particular, tend to have a penchant for soppiness and an affinity for mawkishness and schmaltz. Male ENFps are often stereotypical "romantics." Again, with creative , their interpersonal style is one of inclusiveness; they are often cheery, friendly, and perky and try to foster a "community atmosphere." ENFps prefer to defer to the will of the group rather than impose their will on others ( role) and can have a fawning, obsequious, sycophantic quality about them (at worse). With base , ENFps value creativity, novelty, and originality for the sake of originality. -- jupiter
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