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Question #1230991275Saturday, 3-Jan-2009
Category: ISFp
Are ISFPs ever bookish or intellectually gifted? -- Anonymous
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A1 Socionics ISFps (Si, Fe) can be bookish and intellectually gifted, yes. I know an ISFp girl who reads Russian classics all the time, and an ISFp professor who's a respected lecturer and expert on Beowulf and Kalevala at the age of 35. But as you write ISFP with capital P I guess you have MBTI ISFP in mind (Fi, Se)? My teacher of Lithuanian literature is a poet recently awarded a national prize and he's read so many books and is able to speak about them in such detail I sometimes wonder if he's read everything that was ever written on this planet. However, I'm not sure if he would come out as ISFP in MBTI. He's a Socionics ISFj, definitely. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A2 Not to toot my own horn, but I am an ISFp and I have always been considered somewhat bookish and intellectually gifted. I am nothing close to my INTj brother in terms of intelligence but I skipped a grade in school, was in gifted classes, and was called a "piano prodigy." This could be because my mother (INFj) was very influential in our learning and always brought us to the library and stressed the importance of reading. To us kids (ESTP, ISFp, INFj, and INTj), reading was fun. Our family's tone was set by her and intelligence was supposed to be a given. She looked down a little bit on people who weren't very smart. Being intellectual was not really forced, but it was something that seemed terribly important. Anyway, I feel sick to my stomach mentioning all this, literally. I just had to stand up for the ISFp type! Truthfully, it's very difficult to say lofty things about myself; it feels incredibly arrogant. -- Anonymous
A3 Yes, they can. I'm the example. ;] -- ISFp
A4 Intelligence isn't type-related. There are smart and not so smart people of all types. -- Anonymous
A5 Not to boast or anything but I am in the top 10 % of my class and I am an ISFp. "Bookish and intelluctually gifted" has nothing to do with personality types; it's like comparing instinct to learned behaviors. If the ISFp is competitive in the area of school work and success, they will try as hard as they can to do their best which can lead to being "bookish" -- Anonymous
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A6 Its true that every type has their intelligent and not so intelligent, but the world at this time does not equally encourage and prize all forms of intelligence. Every type does something better than the other types, but lacks where the other types may not. The world places money on intelligence, which corrupts the whole system of personal talents. If people don't want to pay for your talents, then the world tends to push these people to do Se personality type work, and denounces the personal talents that every person contains. This is a horrible way to live life when your talents do not coincide with societies expectations. This is the reason people ask questions like this one. They have been demoralized by society and its unjust way of rewarding forcefulness. By the way I'm an INFp that studies all day everyday. I study whatever my mind leads me. Socionics is based on esoteric spirituality, and can only be properly understood in the context of the spiritual. You can figure out alot about socionics without it, but you will not have a full working understanding until the spiritual is fully integrated into the system. Ausra was very aware of this and originally integrated it into the system, but was not able to complete it. Each function in socionics is tied to a Chakra, which directly correlates with our nervous system. This system is meant to help heal the spiritual self, so that the person can correct their mistakes and heal their nerves, so that suffering can be dealt with properly. Many people try to use this system to identify people that they come across, and maybe to avoid dangerous people, but the system is really to dissect yourself so that you may change your bad habits into good ones. Its all about evolution of the self. Once you know yourself, you will automatically know how to deal with the external world, and the problems it presents. This is something that takes discipline your entire life. When you pass away and return again to learn more lessons of the world, the same requirement and discipline is needed for evolution. People believe evolution has largely passed on since we look the same as humans from 10's of thousands of years ago, but the truth is that the external view of evolution for humans looks to have slowed dramatically, but the evolution of the internal self has been raging since then. We are now in the time of internal development, and you can not see that development as well, unless you have a very keen eye for spiritual evolution. In this Age, everything is about how you are in the inside, you can worry about how you appear on the outside, but you are spending time on things that doesn't really matter anymore, compared to the importance of self development. Working on yourself in your spare time is not enough. Everything in your life has to align with your self development. I know this is not an easy task to accomplish in this time. You have to sell yourself out to feed yourself and your families. The world is built on a very crappy system (supply and demand), which robs you of your precious time. The world is due for a change, and that change is coming, but when it does the people of the world must change their priorities, so that development can take place. When all this occurs the world will change into a great and harmonious place, but until then people should pay attention to their selves as much as possible. Like ISFp's, i like to share the wealth of wisdom i have acquired over my studies. What i wrote here is Truth in pure form. I'm not religious at all, but have studied all the major religions and philosophies, as well as esoteric wisdom. Nobody has to take what i said as truth, that is your ultimate choice, like everything in the world. This is freewill, everybody always has at least 2 choices when making a judgment: The 2 being the right path and the wrong path. Choose wisely! -- Anonymous
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