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Question #1229249716Sunday, 14-Dec-2008
Category: Stereotype
What's the correlation between type and intelligence? I've heard that INTp types are the most intellectual? Does that make ESFJs least intellectual? Which type is the smartest? And which type is the dumbest? -- Courtney
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A22 INTp's are the most "clever." Adults will praise INTp children for being so mature and having speech patterns like adults. I think its ESTps who are the schemers and they too can be considered "clever" in a "deal themselves are royal flush" kind of way. I keep hearing that INTjs are smart, and I can appreciate their effort, but they have to grow up first and stop throwing fits when people don't agree with their obviously correct answer. Intelligence by definition is simply accumulated knowledge. I took a few IQ tests, the logical ones were a breeze, 98% percentile on the first try. I imagine the other 2% were people redoing the tests to fudge the scores. While tests that asked me "Who is Hemmingway, what is his greatest work?" What!? Why should I care about some dead guy who wrote some book I never had an inclination to read? So I scored close to 0 on the literature section. Same with geography, why should I know where Nicaragua is? If I needed to go there I would get an atlas. INTps are supposed to be good at reading, but it only applies to subjects we're interested in. INTjs may be able to analyze imperfections in their work area, but it takes an INTp to McGuyver a solution together. INTjs also have difficulty accepting that even though they are correct, others simply don't care or won't act upon the correct solution. INTps will instead accept this knowledge and begin criticizing the system until it changes, until they themselves change it, or they leave the place of work because people are satisfied to wallow in their mud. This is called "Wisdom" and being Gamma quadrant INTps are more likely to be viewed as intelligent adults while Alpha INTjs to be viewed as children whining. ISTps you guys are Delta old timers and we'll let you finish your thoughts, then trample them with our out-with-the-old in-with-the-new ideas. -- Mythikh
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A23 INTJs are the smartest type hands down -- Anonymous
A24 INTjs are also the most annoying. -- Anonymous
*Please note that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of*
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