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Question #1228055067Sunday, 30-Nov-2008
Category: j/p Theory
Is it possible to, in the face of conflict, mask your personality type (change it to cope with the circumstances)? I think this may be true of me, that I could have masked my "J" as a "P" when I was a kid. -- Wondering (ENFP/J)
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A1 I think so. There was lots of conflict and crap in my house when I was a kid, and it has been very hard now to find my real type. True type will never change, but it is possible to suppress certain attitudes or even show unnatural ones. -- Kanerou
A2 Of course. I was posing as an ISFj unconsciously all my childhood. The schools are abundant with Tj teachers and that way, it was easier to cope with them. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A3 Don't forget, our strongest functions are always a pair of P and J. So we all have an opportunity to use an "opposite side" in our behaviour. And don't forget that in common sense J or rational behaviour is considered to be a kind of "strict logic" and P or irrational - a kind of chaotic. While in socionics it is not the key. For example, ENTJ's may hop back and forth inbetween different projects, events etc. And from the sideview it may look very irrational, but they just follow their inner sense of a proper moment to fulfill their plans. And talking in particular about NF types - they rely on a very subjective aspects of the intuiton and ethic and pretty often do not care much about logic and pragmatic side. So xNFJ types behaviour in common sense may look very irrational. -- Anonymous
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A4 Sure it's possible to step outside of your type, especially when it's necessary like in times of conflict. But I think often in extreme situations people tend to stay within their own type even more so which can lead to further conflict. -- Anonymous
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