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Question #1227601646Tuesday, 25-Nov-2008
Category: ENFp INTj Dating
What is the ENFp and INTj romantic relationship? What are some common obstacles? -- Anonymous
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A1 I am an ENFP married to an INTJ. The only obstacle we have is his criticism and my sloppiness. Other than that we get along spectacularly. He understands me and I understand him. He allows me to be crazy and out there, while he can go and spend time to tinker by himself. I think we balance each other out. -- Anonymous
A2 I am an INTJ male and the only women I have ever loved on a deeper level are ENFP's. From personal experience I would advice ENFP's and INTJ's to find each other. There is definitely a lot of chemistry, which I always thought was based on opposites react. I recognise the idea that we understand each other but I think it has more to do with respect than understanding. What attracts me to the ENFP is that they do things on a way I would never go about them, but despite (or should I say because of that) she still manages to achieve things that I am greatly jealous of and admire deeply because she achieves things I could never achieve. I am not sure if the correct description is that I understand my fiancee, rather I respect her thoughts even when I don't see there effectiveness. Relating to your two descriptions, I wouldn't say I understand what she is doing when she is crazy and out there, but I have learned to let her and support her because the results are regularly amazing. I don't how she sees me in return, but I it feels like this. I can't explain her everything that goes my mind when I am thinkering by myself but I feel very confident in the relationship because I seem to score points/earn her respect by me just being me (thinkering away). It is like she notices when me thinking makes sense long before anybody else would show intrest in it. In my experience I also observed that where she seeks a concept called autenticity, I seemed to show it in my behavior again by just being me. One of the recurring problems I notices is however far worse than criticism. If I am not careful I try to change my enviroment to my liking. I need to show restrained in that so I don't dominate her and/or try to change her In her case more than ever I understand why to not change her, but my nature sometimes roars its ugly head when I don't pay attention. So far I have always restrained myself just in the nick of time, but I fear that if I would fail at restraining for long enough, I would either lose her or kill her spirit. Something I would regret either way. -- El Rojo
A3 How they are in a relationship depends on the perspectives of the individuals involved. ENFp and INTj are relations of supervision, wherein the ENFp will always be looking for validation from the INTj. The INTj will view the ENFp as being "simple"; to some, this is cute, and to others, it's trite bullsh!t. In any case, the realtionship boils down to the two individuals interacting together because the INTj can validate the life of the ENFp (ie. tell them what to do, like a child looks to an adult for advice) and the INTj is left to be him/herself. Therefore, the relationship depends on whether the ENFp is comfortable with being criticized and/or dependent on the INTj, and whether the INTj is comfortable being a "parent." It's up the the individuals to figure out whether they like this sort of arrangement or not. -- Anonymous
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