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Question #1226649150Friday, 14-Nov-2008
Category: Theory
Bit random this question, but does anyone know if there's a connection between vision and type, have any observations been made or studies done? Just because I reckon, eyesight would probably be more important for an Se type for example. More specifically, long sightedness and short sightedness. any connection between introversion and extraversion? Colour blindness? -- King
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A1 My father is red-green color blind and has required reading glasses as he's gotten older, but has otherwise good vision; he's an ISTP. I am an INFP, and I have terrible short-sighted vision. -10 with slight astigmatism to be exact. This could possibly be due to the fact that I've always had my head in a book or been glued to a TV/computer screen for hours at a time with little regard to my health - even as a child. I went from no glasses in nursery school to coke-bottle glasses by the time I was a 1st grader, even if that's how glasses looked like in the early 80s. I blame it not only on genetics, but also on my lack of Si and my hidden agenda, which results in difficulty with information processing. I was introverted as a child and was never embarrassed to be an avid reader/book worm, so perhaps that played a role as well b/c if I had been an extrovert, I would have less happier entertaining myself with books and TV for such long periods of time alone. I feel the majority of the damage to my eyes came from bad lifestyle choices over time b/c my vision was never this bad at the beginning. So yes, I see something of a connection between vision and type in myself, even if I can't vouch for others. Interesting question to pose. - INFP -- Anonymous
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A2 INFp here. I have the worst vision in my family: nearsightedness, somewhere around -13 in both eyes. The only family member with worse sight (that I know of) is my ENFj grandfather. -- Anonymous
A3 I would be surprised if it did. -- Kanerou
A4 Frequent reading, especially in poor lighting strains your eyes and often weakens your vision. This is why more introverts often have to wear glasses. -- Anonymous
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