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Question #1226482932Wednesday, 12-Nov-2008
Category: ENTp
I am an ENTP and I have this weird trait. I hate people who lack self control, for eg: People who lose their temper and start yelling. Or people who lose their self- control and sleep around. Is this part of being an ENTP? To have a lot of self-control? -- Anonymous
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A1 sounds more like some Fi thing. Dunno though. -- Cyclops
A2 Not sure of the cause, but I'm your Mirror (INTj), and I'm the same way. Sounds like it might have something to do with our unvalued functions, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Anyone else have any ideas? -- Krig (INTj)
A3 Are you sure you're an ENTp, as in Socionics, or an ENTP in MBTI? Irrational types ("p") are less likely to be as up-tight about self-control, that's more of a "j" valuing preference. Especially since ENTp's have ISFp as a dual and they can be quite flighty and less inclined to be composed -- An INFj
A4 Thanks, its an interesting read. However at the same time I love spontaneity and dread making plans. What the heck am I? -- ENTP
A5 I am an entp & I feel the same way... It might be an Ne thing? because I notice in certain types (such as my super ego esfp) where they sometimes can act in the moment & dont seem to excercise forsight enough to control themselves from whatever possibly negative excessive behaviour they are participating in eg. overeating, overspending, etc -- Tricia
A6 @A5 - That makes a lot of sense. They lack self-control because they can't see the possible long-term consequences of their actions. And if they have Se instead of Ne, that would tend to make them *aggressive* in their lack of foresight and self-control, and strike right at our respective Super-Egos. Hmmm. -- Krig (INTj)
A7 Pretty sure no one is super fond of people who lose their temper a lot and sleep around all the time. So I think it's more of a HUMAN thing. -- Anonymous
A8 A3 - I believe we are talking about self control, not control freaks, which are totally different. I have noticed that most of the people I know who do lack self control in doing things such as blowing up have been Js. ENTPs are very good a keeping their cool and are in control of their actions. Having the P function they are less apt to get frustrated with obstacles, and with the T function less emotionally affected. And with the N they are somewhat detached from the world around them so that they aren't affected by it so much. When an ENTP sees somebody who can't keep themselves together it is kind of irritating. -- Anonymous
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A9 i am an entp. i relate 100%. i totally look down on people who can't control their frustration. i guess i always sit down and rationalize my own frustration and approach my problem head on, informed and calm. it's smarter than breaking something! -- Anonymous
A10 I'd say blowing steam is an introverted feeling activity, I've seen this with an ISFJ, INFJ, ESFP and ENFP. They have explosive anger (but somehow non-threatening or violent so they do have control) and with regards to sex they can perform on a strictly physical level - like no strings attached or they simply want lust that leads to love. I've found introverted feelers are not for the faint of heart or timid and yet when cooled and relaxed they have an almost sage wisdom. As for introverted thinking, ala myself, when uncontrollably angered I'm threatening in a passive-aggressive manner, i.e. sacastic, silent or socially avoidant, but I'm not quick tempered - I can see this as an Alpha reaction(?). I get angry gradually, like once I figure out things aren't going to change and perhaps you could consider that anger can be beneficial like getting angry about social injustices or preventing depression, etc - to be proactive instead of reactive. I can remember being angry with an ESFP - conflicting relations - and feeling totally ashamed of myself afterwards whereas I can remember being angry with an ESFJ and I was infuriated and still remained controlled, i.e. non-threatening. I have made peace with them both but with the ESFJ it feels more intimate. What do you think of anger in different intertype relations? Is that the key to understanding why duality takes effect? I made peace with my semi-dual but we never regained the ground we lost. -- Anonymous
A11 When people act illogical, it almost always annoys ENTPs. This includes illogical temper tantrums, illogical emotionality and hyper-sensitivity, illogical bigotry...yes, seems very "TJ" of ENTPS, but regardless, very common for ENTPs. -- entp
A12 I dont get annoyed by people acting illogically... infact i love it when people do things for no reason. its the unnecessary negativity that bothers me. All emotions are illogical, but when people try to infect people around them with negative emotions by something like trying to make a friend miserable because they are themselves in misery or making others feel guilty because they are not happy or trying to control people or cheating on people before breaking up that enrages me and makes me want to break off all contacts for good. Temper tantrums are fine unless it is directed towards innocent people and are trying to hurt people on purpose in the process. I don't really mind my friends being extremely and illogically emotional either. But sometimes I feel bad when I'm incapable of being in their shoes simply because in my opinion the reason is too small, in that case I let someone else handle it or try to give somewhat logical explanations so that they'd feel better. -- Anonymous
A13 Ha! That's hilarious because alpha SFs have the least innate, physical self-control - which they work terribly hard to keep secret. They have the least ability to introspect so as to regulate and purify the moral impact of their behavior on a case-by-case basis. Hence, their need for mixing with groups to sublimate their desires, redirecting their focus on fulfilling external physical needs and comforts as an alternative substitute notion of inner moral justification (which is an essential and worthy cause, but only one small aspect of genuine virtue). -- intp
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