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Question #1221901463Saturday, 20-Sep-2008
Category: ESTp
Do ESTP bosses not like to be asked questions? -- BB
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I find them rather preoccupied with doing their own thing and many times do not "hear" what the other person is saying. They can be quite sociable but would rather do things for another person rather than talk about it. They can be quite quick about lending a hand but don't expect them to do anything that they find boring like give you a timely report. They're excellent problem solvers and need a constant source of interesting things to do, and in doing these things, leave every flat surface in their domain covered with “interesting” junk. -- I/O
A2 Yes, they do. When asked, they will explain you problem in depth, very much like ENTps. -- :)
A3 What type of problems do ESTPs solve? What problems do they find and what is considered a problem to them (e.g. conventional wisdom, personal insecurities)? Does it vary across estps? -- bb
A4 if this is the ESTP type: , than, here is info for u. I am an INTP, my flatmate and freind was an . A1 seems spot on. as an arrogant INTP, i was quite surprised at the intuitive grasp of my ESTP friend, but i never tried to initiate difference. to me, ENTPs and ESTPs are cool as male friends (only 1 friend..[for both types proberly], circumstances won't bring me there again, in that sense it is much like a chemical reaction), and what I can say of your boss, is that you would have to present something as A1 said, they can do things in your atmosphere. ESTPs may develop many freinds when they are younger (even among those that ar'ent valued for effect{self-image vision, for an ESTP may ignore ur vocals, but still like very much the effect of your environment...& INTPs don't have emotional environment, only intelectual environment},,,but only in what I call Quadra Calling - if u understand Quadras, u know that U give to quadras bellow your order, and are inclined to feel a political bliss from quadras above your order), but these fall away later in life, when they have to class people for effect. For an ESTP boss, he is probably in log-aheads in this emotional time as to what class group of people u represent... the best thing is to leave it be for him to decide where he will place you... if you are stressed,,,,what you need is more time learning your type, and the types of information you need to be able to operate effectively, and may favor and providence provide you with such -- @sirac
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A5 "if u understand Quadras, u know that U give to quadras bellow your order, and are inclined to feel a political bliss from quadras above your order), but these fall away later in life, when they have to class people for effect." How can this be true? let say as an Me, as an ENFJ i can see why as my supervisor, benefactor is on the top in the alpha chains, and my supervisees and beneficary is below me in the gamme, but what about for the ESTP, and the INfp? they have exact opposite having supervisee and beneficary in the alpha and benefactor and supervisee on the bottom, so it all really depend on the type. it doesn;t nessacary go true with the order. -- Jas, ENFj
A6 I have found them superior at solving technical problems and good at reading people. Although easily bored with routine work and not usually adept in academics, ESTp can be a master at finding the exception amongst or the pattern to a myriad of data. In a forest, they can spot the mole. They can also be masters at putting diverse things together to make unique apparatus or tools. They can be very productive sporadically. -- I/O
A7 They can be productive when all else fails? Maybe like an ISTp? Sounds like a useful ally in a business -- Anonymous
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