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Question #1216077278Monday, 14-Jul-2008
Category: Personality
I think I have 3 personality types. Is this possible? I know that in real life, I can act in different ways. Depending on my mood, I will say and feel different things. I know this may seem like I am describing everyone here, but my personality really seems inconsistent. Here's the personality types I think I may be: 1. INTj "The Analyst" 2. INFj "The Empath" 3. ISFj "The Guardian" I read everything about each of these types and I still can't decide. Most of the information about each type fits me perfectly. The rest doesn't. Help? -- Adam
Your Answers: 1+
A1 We convey with the greatest ease and spontaneity that information stream which corresponds to the aspect of reality we perceive with the greatest degree of differentiation. Focus on your internal reactions to your behaviors and note what stimulates and catalyzes you and likewise what wearies and fatigues you. Relate your observations back to socionics by discerning which IM element corresponds to behaviors that are the greatest source of positive energy for you. This is your base function. -- finbad the failor
A2 It is not unusual that one should feel like more types - people use different mental functions according to the situation and their interlocutors. With some people, one acts one way, with others, different way. It is hard to tell one's type by this. Adding to A1, what worked with me was a very simple first-and-second-function test. It's determinining your first and second function by 1) remembering the most vivid and pleasant childhood memories (with me, they were very Se: observing animals, making machines work; my ISTp mom has a pleasant Si memory of touching warm garden soil). 2) trying to figure out what personal quality hurts you most being called by it, and makes you think the person doesn't know you at all. I usually get totally mad when people call me "absent-minded" - I am an Se and therefore always present in the situation. My INFj sister told me she would be really offended if someone told her she had no aesthetic imagination (Fi-Ne). - I don't know what the specific cases with the types you list might be. I recollect an impression that ISFj males are particular abouth their physical strength and ability of creative physical work. INFjs are usually aesthetic, imaginative and are fond of systems (but find them in different areas than INTjs) and know very well what they like and what they dislike. 3) There is also somewhere at a short text that determines your first function by finding out which kind of information is easiest for you to remember. -- Ezis (ESFp)
A3 Based on your post, I would say that you are most likely an 'F'. 'Fj' also seems to show through. If you have some pics to post on the forum I and probably some other people would give you a decent visual identification. -- econdude
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A4 ....................this is mbti, BUT.....the paintings at the bottom of the page linked above, seem to resemble me (INTj) and other types on the page that i know, maybe someone more versed in VI can tell you if these are that accurate, but in my exp. they have shared some resemblence. i must also say that in my exp. INFj and ISFj are very systematic in their aproach to doing things however they have different motives than INTj. on the other hand INTj at least in my own personal exp. do things for people that would make an outsider get the impression that they feel for people, when that is not usualy ever the case for me, either i just dont want to deal with the conflict because i hate it and the cost of the action is less than the cost of fighting it or, i have a kind of respect for the person and think they deserve the help or reward whatever the case, i say this because people people at times who do not understand me or socionics well(the ones usualy who i try to avoid this conflict that i dont know how to deal with or repect and think deserve my help and think i have deep empathy{usualy family}) anyway i hope this helps you,and also wikisocion really solidiphied my type to me you might want to read all three of those profiles, they have to much specific information to feel like you are all of them, and the way it is organized and the application of the information is very helpfull -- LII
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