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Question #1212956769Sunday, 8-Jun-2008
Category: INFp Career
hey what kind of job you advice for infp except from being a misunderstood artist? is there a way for them to survive and be independant in the real world? cheers -- an.yz
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Ask youself first: What would you like to do for a career? -- Anonymous
A2 Yes I would like to know the same, what kind of jobs we can get in and grow? -- Sam,UK
A3 Lol, go with A1. . .if not, you can always be a music producer. -- Hcat
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A4 Hi, I'm an INFp. The answer to your question is: no. There is no way; not at the moment. The working world - the business world - is utterly left-brain dominated, and you'd be quite surprised (if you don't have personal experience already) how true this is of so-called "creative fields" like writing, acting or painting, etc. Few things are as harrowing as seeing an INFp come to grips with the fact that their creative job is ruled by manipulative trolls who are as creative as dog ****. (Actually, on reflection, considering how useful dog **** is as a kind of fertilizer and how happy it seems to make flies, I apologize to dog **** everywhere for my sloppy analogy.) The THING for INFps to somehow avoid doing - and this is near impossible - is not to become super, utter, mega-cynical once they come to terms with just how utterly feeling-less the business world is, and how little value is placed in essential creative elements like "process" or "caring" (can you imagine someone in a executive meeting standing up and saying "we need to increase our care-factor by 11% by the next fiscal year or we'll be 20% less considerate than we were this time in the last fiscal year). I work in a so-called creative field and it's actually painful - it's a kind of inner erosion - to tolerate it, and to somehow persuade myself that there is a balance between making a good living (if you have to make a living, might as well make a good one right?) and being a hypocrit and phony (which is what most INFps must do, unless they marry rich - which A LOT of INFps do; I suppose it's easier to pretend you love one spouse than it is to pretend you love an employer and your colleagues and your clients and all of the other bull**** that other types, such as ESTps, seem to do with no problem or hang-ups at all.) So I don't have any easy answers for you, other than to be aware that creative fields aren't creative; they're run by the same assholes that run insurance companies. If you really want creative freedom, make it your hobby - your own personal joy. -- Anonymous
A5 I know several infp's quite personally, two are social workers, one owns a buisness that makes custom (high quality) furniture, one does artistic cabinent making, & one is a pastor. It's not like personality type makes one incapable of holding down a job... -- Tricia
A6 maybe try to mix interdisciplinary, e.g. science and publicity or psychology and politics. If this is too much, you may want to run a cafe or a hotel or something interesting store (but as a team, never alone!), where you can talk to many interesting guests. Those are my ideas, for myself. It really depends on what your education, your interests are. If you can't find, try to talk to as much as different people as you can, it helps, snapshots of the world around you and may be you can find where you can fit in. You may travel a lot, to find answers. I guess you'll have to be very inventive how to work for good money, because factory-job or clerk-job definitely isn't it. Only, if you know: I gotta save 3 grands for my world trip. But I know i couldn't stand it anyway, working a grunt job. Idealistic, we have to find a profession that fits to our beliefs and try not to mind the business-world. Maybe it is helpful to give up the dream of wealth and usual working-living-routines, rather try build up a network of benefactors - which doesn't nescessarily mean that you won't give many useful things back, you will contribute to benefit others as well. @A4: I couldn't marry someone for the money if it wasn't for 100% love and even then I would be too proud to take their money. I wonder why there is always the saying, that INFp are prone to marry for wealth. The other way around, I try to avoid ppl, who are wasting their time with hanging around and are obviously living on others, to me they are very uninspiring and I kind of feel angry about them. -- Anonymous
A7 I successfully hid in the banking industry as a branch manager. This would normally have been a terrible fit. I worked with some really great people who I was able to coach into greatness and along the way someone else was always interested in "learning" the meaningless tasks that went along with it. Getting my budgets done was always easier to stomach when I did it along side someone I was coaching into their next role. 20 years later and I have never been fired from a job. Creative thinking does not only apply to artistic endeavors. -- Anonymous
A8 A4, you have some serious issues. I know it must be so hard for you to survive in a world full of people who aren't INFPs, but feelig sorry for yourself is not going to make things better. Get over yourself. -- Maggie
A9 A8, so how exactly does one achieve this? -- Anonymous
A10 A4 has a very good point. A8, you're probably a manager somewhere in the business world. Take it from someone who's been fired five times, if the people you work with are a##holes it's impossible for a creative person to stay at a boring left-brained job no matter how "good" it is as far as pay and benefits. -- econdude
A11 No, actually i'm a student. I hope to be an artist some day. -- Maggie
A12 A8 to A10: your dispute is a profoundly good example what i dont like about people and the world they create - as an infp i am constantly thrown off by "the way it goes" in this world. Can we put it all into some perspective and agree that A4 is just frustrated with being an infp in this non-infp-world and has yet to learn to come clear with all of it? please stop saying, others are assholes or have issues, this doesn't help anyone to develop a fine personality. On topic: I gather, that many wrights are infp, and building up your own business with a strong team is a good idea for an infp as well to have a fulfilling job/life. For me the key is here: how can i find good people who are willing to work with me, how can i overcome my "difficult" personality and how do i make other people understand me? -- Anonymous
A13 [From somebody who has already traveled this road]: 1) Seek enlightenment - this will allow you to drop the energy spent trying to pacify your Fe so you can focus strictly on yourself. To this end, magic mushrooms help immensely. 2) Stop trying to force the issue - take the time to define your own day, regardless of what anybody (friends, family, media) tells you it "should" be. For example, the next time you are out walking, instead of constantly worrying what other people are thinking or what needs to be done, find the immense beauty in trees. Savor this kind of moment. 3) Stop getting personally offended. People who offend you are an indication that you have resistance within your own mind and body that needs to be done away with. Once you can understand this (not just intellectually but emotionally), things like overbearing bosses and "the real world" will cease being issues. Good luck! -- INFp guy
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