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Question #1211866286Tuesday, 27-May-2008
Category: Statistics Personality
What type are you and what were you like as a little kid. -- Maggie
Your Answers: 1+ 13+
A13 ENTj- I was a tomboy with an attitude. I didn't understand why it was necessary to sit still in church. My parents sent me to various different camps in a futile attempt to 'straighten me up.' If a rule could be questioned, I questioned it... and then sometimes influenced my ESFp best friend to help me break it. I HATE shopping, and I always have. This is why you'll notice some ENTj's wearing clothes they've had for years. We like clothes that are at least socially acceptable, but following a current trend takes just too much energy. I always respected those who were very careful with their surroundings and appearances, as I know that is a quality I lack. School was never really a problem. In fact, the most difficult part of school for me was finding the right social group. That is very difficult when you don't really know who to trust. My mental flexibility came in handy, tho. -- AndiJ
A14 INFP- my grandma said i was 'intense' and 'high strung' as a kid. i was very creative and always making stories and illustrations. i always had lots of friends, and always had friends who were rather possessive of me.. (probably ESFJ girls). I was goofy and silly as a little kid. my dad said i was always hyper, and playful. i was lost in fantasy and playing for a long time, until i sobered up a bit as a pre-teen, which was a hard transition. I was a good student and well-behaved, but i would frequently forget about assignments, or not follow directions/misunderstand directions. i was always described as 'bright' though. i zoned out all the time in school. i had lots of friends in high school too, but stuck to a smaller group of friends. i went to all the fun high school stuff like football games and prom, but i was always a bit aloof, and not too connected to school. i was in drama for a while and did a pretty good job, but dropped out of plays. i was sort of the fun goofy friend, but always a bit disconnected and aloof. i had a slew of boyfriends, although never serious. it was usually for social reasons, and fun. -- INFPPPPP
A15 ISTp. As a young padawan, I bounced off the walls with energy. Once you started me up, there wasn't any stopping me until I hit that wall and passed out, only for the process to repeat itself again. On any given summer day between the ages 6-10 I would be outside playing with the dog, exploring in the woods, playing wiffle, tag, super nintendo, or just about anything with the neighborhood kids. The older I grew, the more mischievous I became -- Anonymous
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A16 I am an INTj and i was extremely shy and anxious of people, at 3 or 4 i would hide in the back of my mothers shirt when guests would come. i did not do very well in school because i hated and still do hate people telling me what to do, although i was a skilled linguist at a young age and had an excellent memory for thing of interest to me. i was very sensitive to criticism of my ability. i always had a hard time making friends and never had more than one or two. if i was assigned school work that i thought to be pointless i was uncompromising in my resistance. i was not for the most part a child with bad intent. a polite and nice child, but i have never felt much compassion in my heart for others or myself. -- Anonymous
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