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Question #1211306971Tuesday, 20-May-2008
Category: INFp INFj INFx Tests Typing
Maybe you guys can help me. On the STA, I come out INFp; but in Normal Mode, I am INFx (subconcious j). A different test had me as EII/INFj. I need stability in my life, and I wish to know what is going on when, but I demand the right/ability to be flexible myself. You all don't want to see my room; in 20 years, I have never developed the self-discipline to keep the darned thing clean. I hate household chores. I hate being told what to do; I would rather be advised, with the final decision left to me. I hate having to assert my authority if I don't have complete control. I'm not usually assertive, and my efficiency, *isn't*; however, I have a tendency to do something my way if I feel it is more efficient (disregarding what someone else would want). My motivation is low (unless it's what I want to do), and to make hard decisions to do something, I may call in someone else to "give me a boost", ie get their opinion to back me up and cement my resolve. I don't tend to pay attention to what's going on around me, and my spatial skills are pretty bad; I tend to hold a hand out as I round a corner so I can feel where it is rather than possibly bump into it. I hate having my intelligence insulted. I prefer one-on-one communication, but a small group's fine in some circumstances. I can cook well, but sometimes I miscalculate and do something wrong. I enjoy categorization to some degree, and I love understanding people. I like passionate people, but I dislike people who come on too strong (emotionally or otherwise). I operate out of my values; I've really had to strain to conform to my parents' after years of passive rebellion, and I still hate it. I have a fast walk. I spend a lot of time in my head, and I love fantasy. I hate confrontation, but I have no problem griping about someone to someone else, nor did I have a problem in adolescence when someone complained to me about someone else. I only take issue with name-calling behind someone's back. I sometimes hold grudges, depending on the offense. I don't plan if I don't have to, and I don't manage time well. I spend a lot of time stuck in the past or worrying about the future. And this is all totally random, I know. I'm not organizing it. I've never been much for conflict, but only recently have I really begun considering other people's feelings. I have a little brother that I would swear was Se-leading. He gets on my last nerve with it, and I don't put up with his "cuteness" or manipulation. My Se will go in high gear when it comes to him or my father (who is probably Te-leading). My mother is ESFj; sometimes, I feel like the parent in the relationship. When it comes to her Fe behavior, I attempt to curb it. She tends to criticize my lack of Se and my lack of planning; I know about both and really don't want to hear it. I had an ST friend last summer who kept me pulled together and took care of the cooking (we were in college). A side note: my mother sees me as a Delta, because she says I'm not emotionally expressive. However, my grandmother sees me as very expressive, and she sees more of the real me. I've toned myself down a lot since childhood, because people disapproved of me; I was openly rebellious, good with at least some details, impulsive (more so than now), and good at making friends in random places (grocery store, etc). I also spent time making up stories (I was writing character profiles before age 10) and playing make-believe with my toys. Tact was not my strong point. Well, this is not complete, but I'm sure it's pretty long. Help is appreciated. -- Kanerou
Your Answers: 1+ 17+
A17 I just wanted to say that I'm an INFP and I think my "expresiveness" is me making a lot of facial expressions that reveal how I'm feeling or my reaction to a situation. Once, I really felt like this woman I barely knew read my mind and told someone else I had said something I didn't. (It was something kind of mean.) I'm still freaked out by it, but the person may have read my facial expression/body language. -- learning
A18 @ A15: Yeah, I've ruled out INFj by now. ^.^ I seem to be Ti/Te and Fe/Fi, but I still have a good idea of how I feel toward a person. Maybe that's just female? Hard to say. @ A16: ExTp is a thought, and you're far from the first to suggest it for me. -- Kanerou
A19 A17: I've had a similar experience, lol -- Simon the INFp
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A20 A14: Thanks. My mother is ESFj; I play the straight-man to her, and I find her emotional outbursts to be irrational and annoying (of course, add in what's in the original post). My little sis is probably ISFj; I admire her willingness to stand up for her beliefs, and I find her Se to be funny. She'll sometimes drag me somwehere, usually when I told her I'd help but have been putting her off (mind you, I'm 5'5", and she's a 12-yr-old who's small for her age). We both clash with my little brother, whose type I am not sure of. My stepdad is ENTj. Emotionally, we have no issues, and I like that he takes things calmly. Intellectually, we clash. I get tired of what I see as his overspiritualizing of things, and over his trouble accepting my opinion/views. This is something that he himself recognizes and wants to fix. I have one ENFX friend in MB, and one who tests ENFp; I get along with both, but I've been around the former much more. The latter and I have been friends by e-mail for over 6 years, and we didn't have lots of exposure to each other before then. I get along well with ENFps online. The closest friend I ever had is a likely ISTj; we met at school and got along extremely well. I also get along with another ISTj online. Oh - my grandmother is a mature ISFj, and we get along well. Our relationship is over the phone. If we lived together, there would be some definite p/j differences. Anyway.....relations. There you go. -- Kanerou
A21 do you like istp's? -- Anonymous
A22 A21, not entirely sure. I had a supervisor that may have been ISTp; we got on well. There is an ISTp-Te online that I clash with here and there. I know a third online, but I'm not around him near enough to know how we generally get along. I also knew an IxTp with whom I got along quite well (it's kind of hard to tell whether he was N or S); he kept me pulled together, and while we could tell we were quite opposite, we complemented each other, as we had different strengths of intelligence. He cooked, which was fine with me; but he later complained to a mutual friend that I made him do all the cooking, while in my opinion, if he wanted me to cook at times, he should've told me I was cooking. He also would have my oatmeal ready to fix and eat in the mornings, which I felt was going a bit overboard (I'm not helpless!). I was also resistant to being helped unless I asked (when it comes to carrying groceries and such), so I'd rebuff him in such a situation. And by the end of our six-month acquaintance, his "enlightened" attitude had begun to grate on my nerves. We did argue over a few things, such as one situation where he hadn't really cared about the info I was giving him and I was apparently supposed to know that something he had asked in relation to the conversation was rhetorical. So anyway....that answer your question? -- Kanerou
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