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Question #1211013287Saturday, 17-May-2008
Category: Stereotype
What type is the most argumentative? -- Merry
Your Answers: 1+
A1 I'd say ISTp! -- Anonymous
A2 No way! ENTP. -- Maggie
A3 in my least in an academic sense, enfj -- Anonymous
A4 ENFj definitely. When clearly I am not changing my opinion on something, and I have already won the argument, my ENFj friend will persist and persist about it, which leads nowhere. But then again, I'm an ISTp so that might explain the conflict. -- Anonymous
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A5 ENTJ.. easily, they're argue something to death, and even when proven wrong, they'll go do research and come back the next day with new points to make, eventually you just have to say you don't care and let them think they're right.. till a couple of months go by and they finally realize they're wrong. -- KOzS
A6 ENTP's for sure! It's almost a sport for us. We'd send F's crying (if you forced us to), J's would have to be escorted away in white jackets since we won't stick to their structure, and S's HATE conflict, I's aren't even worth consideration. N's know how to hit where it hurts, T's don't take anything said personally, P's are taking in each new bit of data and have formed 17 rebuttal points b4 you have finished your sentence. E's - pretty obvious. ENTP's Rule the art of argument (in the true sense of the word) so after it's said & done, you'll either worship us, feel bad for some unknown reason & find yourself apologizing or you ran screaming in fear halfway through... After which, we will of course, take up your original position in the argument, just to keep the argument going... FUN!!! -- The ENTP Libra Chick
A7 Agreed, ENTP's are the best at starting and having an argument (it is a sport, to them). Unfortunately, they tend not to fully understand/care about the fine details and are not organized enough to win against a mindful opponent. "The big picture, is made of thousands of fine details". -- Appleteck
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