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Question #1209845208Saturday, 3-May-2008
Category: INFj ENTp Relationship
hey. what do you think about a infj-entp relationship, which BTW was for a infj the closest and longest relationship ever. of course according to socionics infj is entp's supervisor.. but you know these infjs... they re kind of which kind of fulfils infj compulsive need to be needed f.ex. in accomplishing tasks or taking care of themselves or some moral opinions but also entp's sooo helpful in not-worrying about everything and bringing more 'lightness' to they lives. combined with the communication at some abstract level and similar intuitive attitude to world. and also helping in some 'real world' vultures and then when an entp didn't need anything more from a infj - infj was just cut off of the circle of close friends as not useful. not bright enough. so close-minded. if its true about supervision...i guess that for infj its kinda particular cause entp are doing so well in life in general.... and i cannot recover:( -- infj/france
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A22 I can say if ENTP male with INFJ female then perfect, but the opposite not recommended, because man not like woman behave and think of woman different, i want some site put that clear picture and talk about it, because ENTP man not like ENTP woman and the same for INFJ, so my opinion INFJ woman best with INTP as MBTI Kiersey theory but with same introverted and perception intuition , may be this is my theory i have friend INTP married INFJ and they are so deeply connected on all levels, i know INTP could be good with many girls without ISTJ, because she boring for him and not connected in all level in interests, I hope u find your conviction soon. -- INTP
A23 My almost 21 year marriage would beg to differ (INFJ male, ENTP female). Very harmonious, few if any fights. Mutual respect. He takes care of all the things I hate to do, like cleaning and bill paying to free me up to spin my ideas into projects. -- ENTP Mary
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