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Question #1207383326Saturday, 5-Apr-2008
Category: ENFp
what is the likelihood that an enfp would commit and stay loyal to a friendship? how about a relationship? and how did you arrive at your answer? -- emma
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A24 Careful, and make sure you're the right type. Being an enfp is like being a wrecking ball of sorts. Deep down, an enfp knows he/she can be a wrecking ball, and so it makes us uncomfortable when people start getting too close. I attach to people, but only with elastic string that I can send them out and bring them in on... I want to give my friends and loved ones enough room to embark on their journeys, as I am on my life journey, and appreciate the space as well. Co-travelers can be difficult to take on journeys, especially travelers that don't have the same goals and understandings of the journeys I'm on. Basically, life, for an ENFP is much like a CIA agent in a good action movie. The agent can board a plane alone, but he meets up with fellow agents on the plane, heading to conquer the same mission. When the plane lands, there are more agent-friends waiting at the airport, with whom he rides to the scene of where some action/crime will be taking place. At the scene, he will help design a plot to bring down the international ring of drug smugglers, and the rational-minded agents will help to put that genius plan into action, because the enfp will not be able to focus long enough to do the manual labor on it... After successfully collaborating with others to arrest all the criminals, restore justice to the country he landed in and make the world perfect again..... he'll host a huge party and invite the whole freakin country to celebrate... He'll only have fun talking to the non-fake people with real substance to them, and before forging ties that are too binding... he'll quietly walk out the side door of the party, and reflect on the entire day as he walks alone back to the airport. He might never return, but he'll be extremely excited to see everyone he met, and worked with, if they happen to cross paths again. He'll think fondly of all of them, and what he learned from each person on the journey. If you're OK with being one of those "field agents," and can do your own thing, focus on similar goals as the ENFP, but not get offended or read into it when he doesn't call.... then you'll be a very fond acquaintance of the ENFP's for life. Contempt for not keeping in contact makes an ENFP feel deep down inside that you are doubting their love for you, and by so doing, you must not love them the same way.... kind of twisted, but it's true. Some types who need love shown in a different way, have a very hard time being in any type relationship with an ENFP. Deep down, you are loved by your ENFP friend, greatly. so much in fact, that he forgets to call, because you're present in his/her mind often. -- gatorchaser
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