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Question #1206817725Saturday, 29-Mar-2008
Category: INTj INTp Tests
Is there some question I can ask myself to see if I'm an INTp or an INTj? Do I do things at the last minute or do I plan for them? I plan to do things at the last minute to challenge myself. Am I organized or not? I know the exact contents of every pile of papers in my room. Might not look organized, but I can find my stuff. Do I finish what I start? I prioritize my work and finish everything that I tell myself I'll finish, which usually isn't everything. Those are just some of the questions on the test, is there anything that'll give me an easy answer to this? -- Anonymous
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A1 Well both INTP and INTJ can be very organized, and sometimes messy, being organized has more to do with practicallity really for both. And the P vs. J for these two personalities doesn't have to do with wether or not you procratinate. It boils down to this: Are you about the process of comming to a decision = INTP. Or are you about making a quick (not impulisive) decision = INTJ. Or to put it another way, when an INTP has an important decision to make they think long (sometimes a very long time) and hard and they view it from every single angle, if they don't they probably kick them selves for making the wrong decision. While an INTJ on the other hand very quickly and easily come to an important decisions, and they rarely regret their decision. I am an INTP and my brother is an INTJ, we have many of the same interests, but we do not arrive at the conclusion the same way. As for finishing what you start...I eventually finish what I start, sometimes it takes me years, on occasion I don't finish it. My brother is 7 years younger than I but he has within the last year meet and married the girl of his dreams. It all happend way to fast for me, but he is doing great....I hope my explaination helps. -- INTP
A2 An easy answer (taken from the description text): If you are not sure whether you are an INTp or an INTj, then you are definitely an INTp. -- Karl
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A3 I had an INTp friend who was extraordinarily detail-oriented as well as extraordiarily intuitive. This is probably, at least in my view, a good description for many INTps. Also, I've noticed that the way INTjs tend to look (facial features, demeanor) is miles apart from INTps' characteristics. Comparing the two groups visually on and should reveal to you what your type is (assuming you are no doubt INTj or INTp). -- econdude
A4 INTp's are pendantic with the facts and look to criticise rather than produce - and are more or less happy to leave it at that (critic). INTj's tend to question facts with further questions, and build up a system from that basis (analyst) -- Anonymous
A5 I think you can look at the functions. TiNe or NiTe for you? One easy way to see if you're Ti or Te is to imagine yourself writing a paper in economics. Some people build a model and perhaps throw in some figures that they got using simulations. Others might test a theory or even come up with a theory using empirical data. Another way is to see what kind of people you are attracted to. If you like someone, do you like him/her for his/her emotional expressiveness (Fe) or assertiveness/drive (Se)? Also, are you more of an Fi or Fe person? Who do you like better, a person who's kind but never smiles or a very friendly person that's self-centered? -- sara
A6 Adding to A5, you might also think about what physical activity you tend to expect from people around you. I have observed that TiNe and NeTi people tend to expect those around them to wash the floor and dishes regularly (Si), while an NiTe is in the long run happiest when around someone who is fun and makes them participate in interesting activities (Se). -- ESFp
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