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Question #1204446523Sunday, 2-Mar-2008
Category: Duality
How many of you find that you are frequently unattracted to your duals? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+ 29+
A29 I find that I can usually get along with my dual pretty well once I get to know them. However, as far as physical attraction goes, I don't think I've ever been attracted to an ENTj. Especially because of that donkey-like smile they tend to have. INTps. on the other hand, can be very very attractive. -- ISFj
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A30 I am an enfp and i will never ever date my dual, which is an istp. My dad is an istp and my mom is an enfj. She suffers alot. Plus, i don't think i will ever like or admire an istp. They are introverts who always think that they are right. They earn and eat today, then worry about tomoro. They are messy. They don't make good parents because they expect their other half to take the responsibility of the children. The description of istp suit my dad well. And hell no, i will never ever date my so called dual! -- frustrated enfp
A31 After being in several relationships with duals, I am not really attracted to any other types for a romantic relationship. There may a physical attraction to people of other types, but once i get to know them I usually find them unattractive. I really believe I would be unhappy with any type besides my dual. After experiencing the deep sense of connection and harmony with my dual, it is hard to settle for anything less. -- an infj
A32 Hey, you hijacked my name A31 btw, I agree with your post -- An INFj
A33 Well, I am a sporty female enfp and I have been only and very attracted to istp males. All three pilots. As a matter of fact, I have never been really attracted deeply to another type. And I was attracted to two of those istp guys before I ever learned type. My husband of 20 years is an istp. I would find being married to any type I wasn't strongly attracted to very challenging. -- Enfp-energiecoach
A34 While I find many ENFps physically attractive I tend to find other types moreso intially. As a result I often fall for them hard after I get to know them, which up to this point in my life (mid 20s) has kept me from being in a romantic relationship with one due to one of us being involved with someone else and other complications. In addition the values, views and opinions of other ENFps that I've met or knew had kept me from being seriously attracted to them despite getting along very well on a personal level. -- An ISTp
A35 I'm not very confident aou my ability to type people, but from the descriptions I've read, I don't think I'd be attracted to my duel in the slightest. It seems to me that my duel's behavior just clashes horribly with type's. And I mean my type, not just mine. -- Vira Q. (a high school INTj)
*Please note that the opinions expressed are not necessarily those of*
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