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Question #1203764309Saturday, 23-Feb-2008
Category: Functions
What's the point of Si? No seriously what's the point? I'm not seeing much of a purpose for my dominant Si, wanna help me out here? -- ISFp
Your Answers: 1+
A1 a large amount of the tangible beauty and brilliance in this world can be attributed to the works of the minds and hands of our fellow ISxps. without Si, what would our homes look like? what about our clothes, etc? -- Anonymous
A2 Si acquires real-time sensory data in fine detail, which is excellent for honing physical skills, acute awareness of your surroundings, and maintaining personal health and safety. It would aid in becoming a skilled user of tools or instruments, and a solver of problems requiring immediate detection of subtle variations in environment, people or self. -- I/O
A3 I have a similar grip about my Ni and Fe, which (when I am in a deeply self-pitying mood) feels completely useless to me. Fe drains me and spreads me too thin, emotionally-speaking. I often think having T instead would allow me to be just as kind to ppl b/c I wouldn't just be empathizing with ppl, but actively able to support them through sound advice and smart, implementable ideas. Worse, my Ni is never valued in this society (even though it is useful, oh just no one knows it), so I often find myself preferring Si over it - at least that way I could take of myself better, take care of others as well, eat healthy & live longer, make myself more presentable to the world, be more aware of my surroundings, have more energy, have fine motor skills, be more creative (in a tactile way), have more friends or just more interesting acquaintances, be less geeky and more artsy, and just be more dynamic in general. Not that I think of myself as a lesser vessel, but just less understood and accepted than perhaps other types, I suppose. Of course, this monologue just runs through my head when I am at my bluest of blues. So ISFP, chin up! This was meant to make you feel better. Hope it worked. xoxo - INFP -- Anonymous
A4 It means you make Ne types happy! Things like cushy beds, pretty decorations, good food....we love that stuff. It also is supposed to help us keep from working (a word I use loosely) ourselves past a healthy point. -- Kanerou
A5 A3 I feel the same way! I'm pretty misunderstood...and to outside viewers I probably seem uninteresting. ISXP's always seem interesting to me! -- infp girl
A6 A3: 'Worse, my Ni is never valued in this society (even though it is useful, oh just no one knows it)' lol, so true! -- Simon the INFp
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A7 The "point" of Si is the same as any other perceiving function; to take in information. Who gives a S*** whether or not it seems "useful"? Utility is an arbitrarily defined term that only exists within the current Zeitgeist. You've been born with it. Take it an enjoy it! When you enjoy it to its full potential without looking for it to "do" something for you, you'll see all sorts of advantages that you never could have even imagined. It's extermely powerful; use it! -- Anonymous
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