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Question #1203764293Saturday, 23-Feb-2008
Category: Functions
I was reading about socionics on and somewhere on there it mentioned that Fi versus Ti was like mercy versus justice. I just wanted to know what people's comments on that were. An oversimplification yes, but is there any merrit to it?...I mean it does seem plausible that types that are strong in Ti might have a stronger sense of justice naturally than types that are strong in Fi who would have a stronger sense of mercy. Of course there's no way we could completely generalize because I do know a rather forgiving INTj and a rather non-merciful ISFj. I just wanted to know people's thoughts. -- nachos
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A1 'a sense of' for me an out-of-place notion to speak of. to equate personality types with having 'senses of'...well bleh! the Observation Scales u speak of come in senses of generalizing a phase journey to a person. Ti and Fi would be for me a thing of 'cognitive journey' of same length/same journey but with a single variable that one tends to find a system solution to a problem (Ti) and the other a solution of connectedness (Fi). Of-course no one in P category (that is Xx-Tx/Fx) does this of hand, they just follow the most natural path of there Primary function ('Xx'-Yy) as in accordance with other natural tendencies of PoLR/and the dual-seeking shadow need, and have there Secondary (Xx-'Yy') tool seem as the best tool for those functions. And that may be variably and equally Tx or would seem best to the person and would be best to the task and therefore not worth discriminating against. Whereas J-types (Fx/Tx-Sx/Nx) might through there processes - unknown to me, i am P - seek to do Fx or Tx with an unperferable bias seeking an ideal of motion (but mine is more ideal/ i just say that as i believe it is there core language of words to themselves) -- @sirac
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A2 Justice and mercy relate respectively to logical and ethical inclinations regarding humane treatment, not specifically to Ti and Fi. This distinction, however, is a broad, sweeping generalization, and should be treated as such. -- finbad the failor
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