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Question #1200688216Friday, 18-Jan-2008
Category: Tests
Hey Everyone How many times did you do the test to really get a good reading as to what type you were. I thought I was an ESFP but took the test again and it said I was a ENFP and in reverse mode said I was ENFX. Which is a combination of perciever and judger right? Any answers would be appreciated as Im really into this and am eager to learn, Im new to socionics and find it so intriguing.Thanks -- Cinderella
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A1 If you make important decisions easily (I don't mean impulsivly as both ENFP and ESFP often do), rather you make the decision and their is no regret you are a Judger. However if you need time to make an decsion to not later regret it, or if you make impulsive descisions that you often regret, or if you procrastine doing mundane things then you are a Perciver. (some more than others) I am an INTP so ESFP's are my dual, so we just get each other. ENFP's and I have mirror relationship so we have tons to talk about(we can talk for hours), but we do not always understand each others motives. ESFP's to me are all about savoring every moment, every taste, every good thing in life. Every thing they do in life is geard towards having a party. They also tend to tackle conflict head on. While ENFP's are all about good vs. evil. Promoting the good in themselves and others, keeping everyone as happy as possible. Even to their own hurt. And they tend to avoid conflict as much as possible. You could also type in either ENFP or ESFP into a search engine and you will find sites that will give an over all description of each personality. All though I suspect that you are trying to avoid just reading about it, I think you'd rather talk about it. -- INTP woman
A2 Hey 'Cinders' ! You took me about a year or so to fully recognise my type! Makes me think of a few interesting stories..then it makes me think to ask.. Hey did you discover typing.and how did you discover your type ?! Ok..i've sort of answered this question, but I think if other people could take the time to talk about their typing and what have you, maybe it could help you (and others) to find yours/theirs ? -- Cyclops
A3 Hey Cyclops... The knight in shining armor. haha (O.K.maybe I live in fairytale land sometimes) so glad you of all people wrote me back. I have seen you many times defend people that asked a question and some people quoted it as being a stupid question, and you said no question is a stupid question! Thanks for defending us newbies who are just trying to learn and trying to live this life with a Happy Ending. Also Thanks A1 That really helped immensely, and I will do that! -- Cinderella
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A4 A3 Hey there, you are welcome I thought I would like to add that in my experience, there isn't one really one type determining method that's 100% reliable. Personally I think it's useful to try to combine a few different methods. How someone looks, how they act and other such things. Of course it can be tricky for a person determining their type via internet. And as it's often more of an internet 'quest' to begin with, something I'd like to say to help is to keep looking at different type descriptions and also the ones you feel you have narrowed it down to. Eventually you might feel one that you feel really fits you more so than others, oh, and while your searching, other info should come along help which helps you too. In terms of your specific question, and tying in with different methods.. VI for instance .. an S type of face can be more rectangular and an N type more triangular. This sort of diagnosis is of course more a generalisation and I wouldn't want to think someone would set this in stone, but it might help you. Well I hope some of this makes sense, and is helpful to you -- Cyclops
A5 Tests are not the best way to find your type. Try reading more about model A and the functions. -- Anonymous
A6 Thanks everyone, am off and learning your input is very helpful to us eager to learn! -- Cinderella
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