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Question #1196642298Monday, 3-Dec-2007
Category: INTj Supernatural
What would an INTJ's version of Hell be like? -- DustBunny
Your Answers: 1+ 56+
A56 A place where they couldn't impose their will or no one would really care what they had to say at all, and everyone was considered superior to them in every way, whether they deserved such validation or not. -- Marty
A57 Lots of lovely ESFp people who you have to give your undivided attention to while they yak yak yak all day. -- ESTJ Female
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A58 Why was this question even asked? INTJ Hell is here on Earth. Especially so in America, where extroversion is seen as "superior" to its Introversion counterpart. While Extraverts are wasting energy, Introverts are investing. 'S'ensing (or as I call it, "Simple, Shallow, and Superficial".) types think the sole purpose of life is on the simplistic, materialistic, and are plagued by This/That mentality. Real Cavemen. And 'Unpredictable' Feelers are somehow placed higher on a scale than Logical Common Sense... If the US had a Mascot they'd be some ESF that loves to speak more than they think. To touch on something else mentioned here, I don't understand WHYYYY ESFJs are Duality to INTJs. I REEEeeally dislike the 'SF' combination; even more so if you add a disorganized 'P' to these shallow irrationals. I can't see myself with anyone who isn't 'NT' for the long-term. I might ("might"-might be too strong of a word.) get along with a SF for short-term fun; mainly if I find a female who meets my extremely high sex appeal standards. But after a while I would probably strangle them out of frustration and kick them to the curb. An INFJ might be the only Non-NT type I could tolerate long-term. They seem to be the MOST rational of all Feeling types. -- MBTI and Socionics INTJ
A59 Of all the answers previous to mine, A3 (the OP, I believe) had the only comment I seriously cringed at while reading it. Someone else mentioned senseless physical assaults; I hate verbal reprisals & various other bully tactics. For me, it would be in a large, crowded setting with blaring sounds & super bright strobing lights-where I can't see, risk having a seizure with prolonged exposure, & can't hear myself think, much less try to figure out how to maneuver on proverbial eggshells past a crowd of clingy, codependent, self-insecure, rumor-spewing gossipers-who are all trying to get my attention & opinion(s) of so & so about such & such-just to get further "validation" in their maliciously spread nasty falsities in order to make themselves (and their circle of friends) feel "better" about themselves. Then be forced to watch/listen to "The View" the next 24+ hours about all those various rumors/gossip. -- Soc INTj, MBTI INTP, SLOAN rcoei, Enne 5w4
A60 An ESFPs heaven? Lol JK. ;> -- A Mean INTJ
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