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Question #1195990387Sunday, 25-Nov-2007
Category: INTp ISFp Personality
I am an 18 year old INTp but my ideal personality, or myself and others, is ISFp. I think at times I act as an ISFp but come off pretentious or unbelievable. Do you think it's possible for someone change their personality perhaps over time? Or are we stuck with what we are? This is especially as I am weighing up career choices and although I think I would find a quiet, solitary, challenging yet routine vocation more comfortable; I would would much rather be compassionate, warm and benign. Also, there's the fact that I believe we only live once and I believe life as an ISFp is the pinnacle of a respectful and fulfilled life. -- Suzy.Q
Your Answers: 1+ 12+ 19+
A1 Yes you can change your personality over time, but you can't change your type, which is not your personality. -- Anonymous
A2 ISFP here. Why do you want to change from an INTP to an ISFP? As an INTP there's a lot you can give to the world!! Einstien was an INTP!! I mean if that's what you wanna do go for it but I'm just saying that INTP's are very valuable individuals! HMMMMM this is kind of an interesting concept isn't it?...changing personalities I mean. I kinda agree with A1...personalities can change I think but not types...but you never know tho. HEY SUZY Q! Here's an important question! you know your enneagram type?...I highly reccomend the enneagram test!...I mean it might not be that helpfull for you but it's been helpful to pretty much everyone I've asked so far! Alright well good luck with whatever path you take in the realm of personality!!! Farewell! -- Natalie (ISFP)
A3 I just did the Enneagram Test and it said that I was hypersensitive, detached and anxious. The others were quite low. -- Suzy.Q
A4 Hypersensitive = sensitive. I wouldn't be surprised if you already are compassionate, warm, and benign. I thought we might score similarly… I scored high on hypersensitive, anxious and image conscious and then detached was kind of moderate. Highest on hypersensitive though (enneagram 4). Can I share with you my personal personality story? OK! I discovered about a year ago my MBTI score (ISFP) and my enneagram score (enneagram 4) and I've been consistently working on personal growth for the weaknesses that come along with my personality. After only a year I feel an immense change. In fact people have even mistaken me for a thinking type!...(I was working on doing things a little bit more logically) And!...I used to be IMMENSLY sensitive...I took offense to statements that weren't even insults...but now I find that even most insults don't bother me...I know who I am regardless of anything anyone else says. SO in conclusion, I think it is very possible for you to acquire whatever skills you want to!...or in different terms: be whoever you want to be! Hmmmm yeah I still have to add some INTP praise tho…I can’t help myself…INTPs are awesome and have some of the most AMAZING minds EVER!…and all the ones I know are usually really fun to talk to. Ok I think I’m done. Sorry for the length of this response! I hope that it helped! BTW I'm also 18. =) Well, good luck with everything!! -- Natalie (ISFP)
A5 haha cool. which enneagram website did u use? -- Anonymous
A6 gotta play devils advocate..and be hated. but then again, u ar'ent giving out a fixed heat signiture in S for me to target.(for some or other reason, natalie is easier to target...don't ask me why).this is rather one of those posts a full-fledged INTP can look at...and ignore. Rather than give a J-type synopsis of all advantages and relative disadvantages, and force u to agree by virtue of u averaging nearer to the intp side of life, i won't...not now. In the clan of intp, to be successful, u need all sorts of intps, to waste their time on all sorts of things, in that the evolution scheme of things, if u should survive, u will have a strong valuable asset of things to give.(right now u in development, so u could not even give if u tried). The golden law of what makes right, including, the very negative things i said, is this...'it's all about evaluation and disposition change in retrospect..which gives higher value proportions'.. think on that, and may whatever gods who are with us intps preserve u. cause lets admit it Suzi.Q they got to pay up (-all the kissable girls used to be teased with that name). -- @sirac
A7 okay, i have had compassion on u. generally, how N-types come across in S in a more steady flow. S-types are not incapable of N, however, for them too, it is a more steady process (..thinking in answer to a poster who asked if a deflaut N mode is studying was indicative of N). if u push through S communication, it therefore has to be more steady. that u are coming thru as dis-ingenious is a function of 'more fixed observable communication schemes'. more experienced INTPs work between there many approximations. best perhaps for u to cry and forget about this, eventually u will come to the place where u can develop those communication schemes. In the overall communication schemetic, general only a finite set of com is needed,...u might not see it now, but once u have in retrospect and are comfortable with it, within that vector u can push or play any aspect of it u want. i know your dilema... u have all of this junk, which does not find place to get out, and all u are thinking is that more 'marketing' will fulfill the scheme. i know only one INTP female..girlfreind (22) to a cousin... and she is pretty comfortable pushing out the big things in reserved time that we do. why u also don't come through as genuine, is that while u say or push a communicade, is that other S's sense the double scheme in communication (other in group N's might be uncomfortable that u are betraying something or bring the name of the group down). to overcome this, u need to be in zones and create them in real time where u push through single whole communications which u have so to speak rehersed by being 'well aware of it'...this takes time and intensity for the intp. the F thing u spoke of is only your imagination and ignorance. in communication, u only actually speaking about S. the T introduces a flexibility you will be pleased with. But good that u concentrating on this, late teens to early 20's is generally the place where these things get sorted wheather we active in the process or not. good for u, keep going -- @sirac
A8 have u heard about the intp social quality of burn? -- @sirac
A9 @sirac, if you're going to target me could you at least do it in a way that I can understand...understanding your posts are beyond difficult...I'm not even certain that I know what you meant by "target". So you are INTp @sirac? -- Natalie (the easy target)
A10 @ Suzy Q:I completely understand what you are saying and Its been my hope to find another intp besides me that feels like that. I too admire,sometimes act like isfp and would like to have their possitive aspects.i think is the way to go for us I havent been able to decide on which career path to follow ither.i am afraid that,although intp careers would fit my intp skills ok,they wont match my isfp oriented interests that not only would take me out of my comfort zone but on the other side will led me to personal improvement.i have this goal that ,over time,i will get over my limitations as intp,and during that process strenghten the other functions we usually lack,like warmth empathy etc i dont have interest in money,etc because to my experience,those things we find assuring are like drinking from water that calm your thirst,for the moment,and then you comeback for more,until you need is never definite. i became aware that ,really we only have one shot,one very short life which we dont even know if it may end this afternoon. so i felt i had to do something meaningful to my true self and soul,and for people.If i ask for advice,they would tell me would me to follow the typical way of my type but i intuitively suspect that,hidden from my awareness resides a compassionate, warm and benign isfp,like my inner child to be found,and that i will find fulfillment when i do it All this led me to discard any career path that doesnt have an impact on humans like programming (so impersonally intp) or that is money driven.The problem is,i continue to be a former intp,and it takes an effort to try to continously strengthen your former weak functions. Psychology would be a great field if we chose it for the sake of genuinely care about others.we intp know are not good at that,rather we chose it because of our thirst of knowledge and discovery,and what better than our own mind.most persons who seeks counseling expect feeling based answers from us,not Thinking based.notice an intp would even think of :"the subject of study" instead of the PERSON it seems that,even when we would like to,in practice,it might be difficult to be in isfp positions have you ever known of a good intp psycologyst? if yes; do their patients liked their impersonal approach,and come back to him for more counseling?? if not; what isfp or other positions would match an intp better than psychology? end if -- Dex (DamagedExtravert)
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A11 I found the solution! I'm an ISFp who would like to be an INTp. All we have to do is hire a handy dandy ENTp scientist to create a personalty swaping lazer beam gun complete with gummy worm dispencer (you'll need gummy worms if you expect to be an ISFp). Point the gun. Swap personalities. Take the worms. Happy ending. -- Anonymous
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