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Question #1190992714Friday, 28-Sep-2007
Category: ENFj Love
I am enfj and i want to know which is the best romance parnter for me.... I did some research and it showed serveral result, some of them are infp, isfp, enfp, istp. Just how does romance relation works? I am pretty sure my dual ISTJ won't be my best romance parnter... -- JW
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Best romantic partner and best long term compatible partner are 2 different things. Romance is a fling that could be with anyone. -- Anonymous
A2 infp -- Anonymous
A3 Well, one website said that the best partners are ones in which the other person has our dominant fuction but does something different with it. It reccomended that ENFJs get to gether with INFPs. I'm a ISFP and it reccomended ESFJ for me and that happens to be the type I'm most attracted to. The only ESFJ male I know I'm WILDLY ATTRACTED TO. So for me this theory is relevant and maybe it will be relevant for you too. Good luck. -- Anonymous
A4 Just go with someone you love and are comfortable with as long as the other person feels and treat you the same way. Make sure you both share a similar or complementary ethics and values and a common goal in life. But first of all, there should be at least a mutual attraction that draw you to each other. Then from there, commit to each other and astrive for mental, spiritual and physical growth. This means keeping each other healthy and enjoy a fun and fulfilling life. I think this is how relationships should work.-istp -- Anonymous
A5 I agree with A4. The typing theories are generalized; when you interact with a real live individual there will always be ways in which they defy the theory, no matter how much they correspond with it. (Obviously, this applies to you, too!) But by using the broad strokes, we can use the theories to try to improve our interactions with all other types. For my part, I've tried to decided what types exes of mine have had, and when I read up on interaction theories, it puts a new perspective on the situation. Then I have more information with which to try to conduct future interactions - even if I don't know the other person's type. Some of these questions about compatibility sound as if there's a formula to be followed - but there isn't, and we should thank goodness for that! Real human interaction will always contain the germ of unpredictability, which intrigues instead of intimidates me! -- iAnnAu
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A6 I saw that website too that said the inner functions should be the same and the outer ones different. I am an INFJ so that would mean I need to be with a ENFP. But every ENFP I have ever known gets on my last nerve. The same with the list of celebrities of that type...all annoying! So I am going to give the Socionics theory a try... -- Anonymous
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