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Question #1189379290Sunday, 9-Sep-2007
Category: INTj INTp Typing
IM am totally confused about which type i am. I know for sure that i am an I T...i need time alone or i goo insane. I also have the hardest time dealing with emotions mine or others. They just dont make sense to me. Anyways from what i have read i am an INTJ however their are some things that dont organization. I am very un organized and messy but i hate when people break plans. I am a very black and white person ever since i was a child...their is either a right answer or a or a wrong answer. I constantly live in the future or past and i believe anything is possible....i live in my own world of what i believe. I make my own rules. Ok so i am definetly an N my only confusion is the J and P. I figured i was a j because i was so obsessed with deciding whether i was a J or not. When something does not go as planned its very off putting. When i read the description of INTJ it mostly fits however i do not have the interests of a typical INTJ....i like things like fashion, music, exercise and visual stimulation. I am constantly thinking of new ideas in my head and how can i make something better....or how can i improve something. I often feel misunderstood and that people are always trying to figure me out when i can see them so clearly. I am often late for appointments (not by choice) because i miscalculate/lose track of the time yet i expect people to be reliable and to follow through with what they say. People often describe me as weird, blunt, crazy, "spacey"(in my own world), unpredictable, funny, stoic, stubborn, argumentative, idealistic, unrealistic, loyal, protective, obsessive, does not like to share and even superficial. I do very much like stimulation of the 6 senses and often times become obsessed with it. Could i just be a weird INTJ or does this sound fairly typical? Am i maybe an INTP with a strong J. I was never good in school because i wasnt interested and the rules weren't the rules i wanted. I am weak in math. I was never good at literature either because i do not like to have to read between the lines. My strength were in creating new or exciting ideas, making something look beautiful, ****ing people off, debating....i am an idea person not a doing person. I love to create or be physically active. I never found school too difficult however i never put any effort in to it. I was to busy looking through fashion magazines and thinking about my future. What Am i? I also seem to have an amazing ability to **** people off....unintentionally. I just seem to put people off....but really im a joker i just like things to go my way. I like facts and equality and i believe everyone must have justification for what they do. I like people who are passionate, smart, creative and confident. Geese this sounds like the most horrific singles add haha. I am also an only child...could you tell? I love good food and nature as well. Please explain why you believe i am a certain type. P.S. I am obsessed with MBTI. -- DR. Bob
Your Answers: 1+
A1 Quite obviously INTj. Tertiary tips the scales, basically. -- Anonymous
A2 How other people describe you, very strongly seems to alternate between what would be typical for INTj and INTp. Though the fashion thing, sounds very untypical for either INTp or INTj. Overall perhaps more likely INTp. There's absolutely nothing indicating anything about in the entire post. I wonder if A1 even has a clue about . However there seems indication of dual seeking . -- Anonymous
A3 sorry but what do the little icons mean? -- Anonymous
A4 They mean functions - the easiest way to find out which ones is to move your cursor over the icons at the bottom of this page. -- Anonymous
A5 I m still realy having trouble deciding wether i am a intj or very resevered and inquisitive at first but once i let loose i can get pretty excited and crazy. But i have a very strong idea of when its play time and when im serious. can help me try to figure out the best way to tell if your more N or S? -- Anonymous
A6 Usually if someone can't work out there type its because their intp. OK not always the case but from experience they will debate it for so long you forget what the point was -- Anonymous
A7 A5: STs criticize people's behaviour and NT's their way of thinking. Also, STs are always at least a little bit interested in what people think about them, they try to fit a certain group, while NTs are total nonconformists. You seem to me like an ISTp (SiTe) because as far as I know, they are the ones most likely to state "I have a very strong idea of when its play time and when I am serious" as something that describes them. A6: Sometimes it is also because they are ISTp. -- Ezis
A8 I there, as an ISTp I must admit that I am quite a lazy person..I work hard at my job (this wasn't always the case!) but only because that way I make more money to persue my hobbies or to see my friends (Also I don't have loads but I have a good who are very loyal and good fun) I also need a lot of space so if i'm with a partner I need a massive house haha! If you are ISTp I hope this helps to place you as per Ezis A7 -- ISTp
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A9 hmmm this is very difficult because on one hand the ISTP sounds like me...but on the other hand i dont think i am a P because i am so obsessed with deciding what type i am. I also read something about how INTP's love myers biggs because they want to to know everything about it, INTJ's want to know about myer briggs so they can use it.... would have no interest in MBTI if i couldnt label people hahha..i find it very usefull and i made all my friends take the test. Im sort of up in the air about ISTJ, ISTP, INTP and INTJ....but i hate not knowing....for me they sound all very similar. any more advice? thank you. whats the difference between these two types....this is really frustrating me. they all sound so similar so how do you distinguish? also i am not conservative at all. I like new and different things i am obsessed with wierd thing like organic food and i have no problem living in a mess usualy... i tend to dress up alot but the moment i come home i change in to some crappy sweats. I dont really care what people think of me and i have no idea because i read people....the intj physical description fits me perfectly. what are sme characteristic differences between the types i mentioned. -- Dr. BOB
A10 i think i am an intj with strong s and p making me have a lot of istp characterictics. -- Anonymous
A11 You are infj or intp or maybe istp -- Anonymous
A12 well i dont think i am P cause i hate suprises and i am to excited and emotional to be istp. Im definetly not F cause i am very uncomfortable with feeling and emotions. -- Anonymous
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