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Question #1188406723Wednesday, 29-Aug-2007
Category: INFp ENTp Relationship
i have been semi-involved with an infp guy. it's a friendship with some sort of an unconsummated romance; but certain developments at work require us to downplay the amount of time we hang out. he's the owner's son and i'm an employee. then all of a sudden, i felt indifferent towards him. all of a sudden, he bored me. i started to realize that he can't keep up with my many interests. sure we became close because we both love sports, and inasmuch as his intensity drew me in at first, he has very little depth. i'm an entp, and i'm confused as to why all of a sudden i feel indifferent. i didn't have to condition myself in such a way that i have to tell myself to "stay away, stay away..." it just.. happened. -- marga the ENTP
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A1 Sounds like the typical illusionary relation. -- Anonymous
A2 see illusory relations ... maybe ur not an entp and he's not an infp? -- Anonymous
A3 i am very sure that i am an entp. well, e bordering on i. we took the test some time back along with other friends and he scored infp. my indifference towards him doesn't seem to bother me that much. i still somewhat communicate with him, but with a bigger agenda in mind - someday, i will buy the company out. i'm resigning in a bit to take up my MBA while working in an investment bank. the thing is, he's still so attached to me. it's like lugging around a 5 year old with you. he's such a baby - at 25 he can't even drive around the city. he only stays within his comfort zone. he doesn't know himself outside his territory. typical sheltered rich boy. -- marga the ENTP
A4 just wait until you find out what he thinks about you... -- Anonymous
A5 I have never known an INFP to be shallow, they can have amazing depth. I know one who is 56 years old and he is still very child like, disorganized, messy... My ENTP father and he get along fine on a social level. In a working realtionship, I think it is frustrating for everyone. As an ENTP you have an amzaing sense of responsibility and a strong desire to help people, you are going to have to learn how give up on people to help them, if that makes sense. I can't tell you how many down and outers we have had come through our home growing up. My dad had to learn draw the line in the sand, because half the time his generosity helps the other half of the time it has only served to suport an unhealthy life style. Besides INFP's are incredibly resilient and forgiving folks. -- INTP woman
A6 Maybe Its perhaps he is introverted that he seems shallow to you? I am an INFP and I normally don't open up to people unless the situation calls for it..... I often feel like people never know the true me. -- INFP awesome
A7 i went through the SAME thing but with an enfp. i realized that the depth wasn't there and that we'd be better as friends. and we were. but infp's tend to have a lot of depth so the indicator could have been wrong. don't worry you're not alone.:D -- Anonymous
A8 i'm a entp female and i hav a female infp frd. i find that i csnt stand her shallowness and ignorance, and even want to set her up by tricks. as she dont care or regard the support and time i offered, she'd gonna learn a lesson. this is what i'm having in mind. but i still not taken any action.i know entps are gd person but can see sides of the reality. -- entryphone
A9 entryphone, i'm an infp female with an entp female friend, and i could say the EXACT SAME THING about her - that i can't stand her shallowness and ignorance. BUT, i don't think she is boring or stupid. it's just that our interaction is the most enjoyable and conflict-free when we stick to superficial things, because we are so very different (and stubborn) about our own views on more substantial things. if you don't mind my saying, the fact that you want to "set her up" so she will "learn a lesson" is a VERY entp thing for you to do, and utterly pointless with an infp. if she is not that important to you, then let it go. it might mean a lot to you if you can "one-up" her, but to an infp it means nothing, she will not even realize it. if she IS important to you, then most likely, you are important to her too, but she is disregarding you because she you are disregarding her feelings. an entp can tell you his/her idea of the "objective" truth without ever considering how the other person will feel, but if you consistently make the infp feel bad they will cut you out because they really don't need it. to marga - find out what you liked about him in the first place, and decide if he would still appeal to you if you were only ever friends. if not, there is no point wondering about a's not going to work. -- Anonymous
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