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Question #1184863634Thursday, 19-Jul-2007
Category: ISTp ESTp Typing E/I
I am pretty sure I am XSTp. How can I know whether I am ISTp or ESTp other than trying to see whether I am E or I? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 ESTps and ISTps have different hidden agendas. The former want to be loved, while the latter want to love. The former crave popularity for its own sake and will only stick to the side-lines for the mercenary benefits it provides, while ISTps will do the opposite. They may stick around with extroverted crowds, but they are usually silent there, and after too prolonged an interaction will want to retire and be alone. -- Anonymous
A2 I feel the same way. I shuttle back and forth between extroverted and introverted crowds and I tend to act like an ISTP around my extroverted friends and and ESTP with my introverted friends. -- Anonymous
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A3 me too goddamit!, im never really silent around my friends though, just at school most the time (not all) and i always stay to myself when im at home, but yea i want to get popular....wait so if go extraversion to reap mercenary benefits your istp? well then wtf? -- joeytim
A4 As an ISTp, one thing in the ESTp profile (+/- part) that jumps out as NOT me is that they hate taking responsibility for own mistakes. I have a strong need to live up to my own standards that makes me focus on the ways that I don't - often I will bring up a mistake I've made even when otherwise I could get away with it going unnoticed (or blamed on someone else). ... The ESTp uncovered profile is NOTHING like me, although the ISTp one makes me squirm - maybe that could be helpful to you? -- iAnnAu
A5 Yeah, I am definitely an ISTP. Although most of my friends describe me as very charismatic, I am still introverted at heart. I can sociable and entertaining when I need to, but I prefer keeping to myself and just chilling out. -- Anonymous
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