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Question #1182433206Thursday, 21-Jun-2007
Category: Typing Celebrities
What was Hitler personality type. was He an over ultimate INTJ, Or just he was having some psychological problems (or both). Is there can be any relation between your psychological type & some psychological diseases. In an other way, is your psychological type make you more prone to some psychological diseases (Hitler as an example) -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+ 15+ 35+
A15 Hitler was an ENFJ. He was a spellbinding orator. He was one of the most effective demagogues ever. The vast majority of his quotes contain romanticisms and absolutes that are typical of NFs and the antithesis of NT speech. His passion was both fanatical and contagious...and his motivation seemed to derive from his empathy towards those that he saw as being victimized-the Germans. Additionally, he espoused selflessness: "The unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual; and that the higher interests involved in the life of the whole must here set the limits and lay down the duties of the interests of the individual." - Adolph Hitler As well as altruism: "...we understand only the individual's capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow men." - Adolf Hitler, 10-7-33 As an INTJ, I acknowledge that some of the most ruthless dictators have shared my archetype-Kim Jong Il being one of them. In doing so, I have learned, to the best of my abilities, to quell the sentiments that might give rise to that sort of mistake happening within me. I think it's very dangerous game we play, when we see ENFJs denying that this kind of evil could ever manifest itself in them. In doing so, we're opening the door for it to happen again. Let's pray that it does not. -- Anonymous
A16 After reading Albert Speers book 'Inside the Third Reich' and his private conversations and associations with seems very clear that Hitler was an INTJ. His 'extroverted' personae was a very clever that seemed to burn up a lot of energy to maintain. Hitler in private has all the classic traits of the INTJ. -- Mac
A17 remember, that Stalin was an INTP, i am proud of that as an INTP...he was also a life-long learner. Even the INTP philosopher Nietszche said that in reality, these brutal men would only stop existing if the current mediocre world system bucks up. i think thats much un-willing ruthlessness do i learn from my interactions? (no offense to anyone...but i don't care, or am deeply ashamed if u suffered...but both at luke warmness) -- @sirac
A18 whose heard that Hitler was on heroin. one may access that after the Russian invasion {as erraticism abounded:i.e. a man that understood the consequences..but refused to contenance them} that all his actions where merely those of 'psychological man' without type....citing the herion -- @sirac
A19 I don't know but I feel like him sometimes -- Anonymous
A20 i think that he was an estj -- serag
A21 ENFJ, very Beta -- Anonymous
A22 Eva Braun was an ESFp. -- Anonymous
A23 He was an ENTJ. ENTJ's are very forceful and natural born leaders. -- Anonymous
A24 A10 is a great post. lol -- -You'dReallyThinkThatThereWouldn'tBeAnonymousPosts
A25 My (admittedly subjective) impression of Hitler has always been that he was INTp. As has previously been stated in A7, A14, and A16, Hitler seems pretty clearly introverted, his "spellbinding oratory" being something he took lessons to learn how to do. His "geekiness" and his devotion to a logical idea (Nichean-style survival of the fittest) at the expense of human lives and suffering strikes me as NT. Furthermore, as A22 stated, Eva Braun seems decidedly ESFp to me, which would be an odd choice of mistress for an INTj. (Also, A16, if that's an MBTI INTJ rather than a Socionics INTj, that would also fit with my INTp theory.) I recommend watching the movie "Downfall", for a portrayal of Hitler as INTp (and Eva Braun as ESFp). -- Krig (INTj)
A26 ENTJ...just as mentioned for these types, they want to conquer and take control. -- Anonymous
A27 @26 I agree, Hitler was ENTJ (mbti). Many things about Hitler seem like NF, like passion and idealism. But, ENTJ can be very passionate about their ambitions, and can respond in a tantrum (as Hitler did) to get desires met. ENTJ can become very skilled orator using emotion as tool for manipulation. Many ENTJ leading corporations do these things. Hitler was extreme idealist, but that does not mean NF Idealist. Extroverted Thinkers (ExTJ) can be "Extroverted Idealists", seeing the world around them to be ordered to their liking, with callous disregard (death of others, etc.). Carl Jung states in Psychological Types regarding Extroverted Thinkers: "There are extroverted idealists, whose desire to advance the salvation of man is so consuming that they will not shrink from any lying and dishonest means in the pursuit of their ideal. There are a few painful examples in science where investigators of the highest esteem, from a profound conviction of the truth and general validity of their formula, have not scrupled to falsify evidence in favor of their ideal. This is sanctioned by the formula; the end justifies the means. Only an inferior feeling-function, operating seductively and unconsciously, could bring about such aberrations in otherwise reputable men." Romantic, idealistic "Salvation of Man" and rationalistic, amoral/immoral "End justifies the means" is very much like Hitler and also noted characteristic of ENTJ, as well as inferior Feeling function (Fi). ENTJ can disregard morals, as did Hitler, but this does not mean ENTJ will not attempt appeal to the morals of others to manipulate them for ENTJ cause. ENTJ idealizes last man standing, or survival of the fittest, they see themselves in this role, as did Hitler. Therefore, Hitler = ENTJ (not ESTJ, XNTP, NF, or SP) The information here correlates strongly to ENTJ, such as: self-confidence and sense of infallibility, fanatical stubbornness, and "capacity to appeal to the most primitive, as well as the most ideal, inclinations in man, to arouse the basest instincts and yet cloak them with nobility, justifying all actions as means to the attainment of an ideal goal." -- Anonymous
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A28 I tend to agree that he was an F. I think we stereotype Feelers as nice, sentimental pacifists, but it's not true. At their worst they can be irrational, illogical, and self-absorbed. His speeches were passionate, and he had the ability to inspire people in almost a religious, 'preachy' way. I think he was maybe an ENFJ or INFP/J. He didn't use a lot of logic in his rise to power, rather inspiration. Also- I watched a documentary recently about him, and a lot of his close followers (probably diabolical INTJS, and ISTJs) manipulated him, and operated without his orders. Another reason I think he was an F. Also- he would stay up late at night and watch 'hero' movies. I think he was an extremely delusional person who thought he was somehow the hero in his own story. He was lost in fantasy, not in touch with reality. When the consequences of his actions crashed down on him, he took his own life. I think if he was a T he would rationalize his actions more, when confronted with reality. Typing aside, he was obviously a disturbed individual with deep psychological issues. And just evil. -- INFPPPPP
A29 @A28 - You make some compelling points. I can see him as an INFp, which would account for his introversion and many of his INTp-like qualities, while also accounting for the strong Fe displayed in his speeches. It would even explain why so many people see him as an ENFj - an INFj trained to use his Fe in speeches could easily come across as his mirror ENFj when in "speech mode". I shall have to ponder this further. -- Krig (INTj)
A30 A29, I think you mean INFp not INFj, INFp's are ENFj's mirror, INFj's are ENFp's mirror -- An INFj
A31 @A30 Er, yes - that was a typo. Sorry about that. I think we can all agree that Hitler was definitely not an INFj. -- Krig (INTj)
A32 A25/A17 are correct. Hitler and Stalin were both INTP's. As for environmental qualities, both had very abusive fathers and domineering mothers. The claim that both were INTP's, can also be proven using V.I. and film footage for physical attributes (movements/walking/taking/etc). Ironically, Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg, the man in charge of the July 20th, failed attempt to kill Hitler, was also an INTP. -- Appleteck
A33 I think Hitler is mostly 'Intp', when he was a young drifter selling his art, he almost always moved alone going to operas and cafes and such, not to mention, he joined political parties wholly due to his own personal interest in history, which might show I think that he cannot be an extrovert. He was also described before he came to power as fussy, shy, and a socially gauche person. But whenever he hears or sees something that contradicts his views, he simply has to give corrections almost automatically, hence, his passionate speeches during gatherings which gives him the impression of being very awkward and humiliating to those not enthranced by his displays. Also, he was said to have fluctuating convictions, like on the march to Berlin attempt to seize power, when the operation failed he was said to have attempted to commit suicide, but he was saved by the lady housekeeper who kicked the gun from his hands and on the same day he was arrested for high treason, and another instance, his interpreter (i think) said that Hitler would brood over his decisions for days and then when the time comes revive his strong convictions either by impulsive action or confidence. He then learned to channel his sudden uncontrollable fury when making a point he feels strongly about by making public speeches rallying unquestionable support, it is said that the main reason he shouted is because it lessens or eradicates the chances of being interrupted. So I think he's INTP or INTJ, he has times of uncertainty with his decisions(if my source is accurate). -- Anonymous
A34 Adolf Hitler, ESTP, "Star Quality", grandiosity, Egoistic Pattern, Visionary, Motivational Speaker. Exploitive: Acts entitled, self-centered, vain and unempathic; expects special favors without assuming reciprocal responsibilities; shamelessly takes others for granted and uses them to enhance self and indulge desire -- jgbr
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