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Question #1181810613Thursday, 14-Jun-2007
Category: ENTp INFp Dating Relationship
I'm an ENTp female and I want to make the moves on an INFp male. What would be a good approach, and what will our relationship be like (be it a friendly relationship or a romantic one)? -- anja
Your Answers: 1+
A1 From my experience ( I'm a girl: INTp), I was friends with an INFp girl once, and I've learned not to force yourself too much on them, but to take it one day at a time, then they will open up to you if they decide they like you. Some INFps do like small talk, I've noticed. -- FK
A2 ENTps can be funny so maybe you can think of a way to make him laugh to break the ice? Without knowing the person if he's an INFp you probably will have to work hard at not making him feel threatened, I agree with A1, INFps - and introverts in general - need time to sort out how they feel and then they will open up. Best wishes with that! -- econdude
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A3 INFp's will resent control. Give them space, and they will <3 you for their free time in between contact. Oh, and dont forget that Beta NF's respond well to verbal reaffirmations, as well as physical reaffirmations =)A good motto is, "strong but hypersensitive." -- Jadae
A4 I am an ENTP male who lives an INFP male. We enjoy our friendship very much and always joke that we wish each other to be the opposite sex. He loves to be able to comfortably excercise his extroverted intuition without being judged by me. I love his endearing shyness, and when hes comfortable(unfortunatly hes the most comfortable when he is drunk and/or stoned) he is one of THE most pleasurable persons to be around, exuding a warmth that I havent even seen in my comfortable ISFP girlfriend. So what will work best is just to be yourself (yes i know, very cliche) because your ojectivity, excercised through extroverted intuition, will naturally draw him towards you. I usually joke with him to warm him up to a conversation, then I start to talk about things that are fairly serious but say them in my usual impersonal and objective manner which then gets him wanting to try it too, and then he finds out he really likes to do it. Once this has been established, we can create an environment where silence is very comfortable because we know that each of us is spacing off in an imagination of a potential or reflection. Be careful working up to that though! They seem to need a lot of time on their own regardless of comfort, so just test out the waters to know when you are over staying your welcome. Despite all of that, the best thing you can do is dedicate. My friend gets very angry sometimes when he gets really worked up. So just be your usual non-judgmental self and wait it out and listen and speak as if he wasnt angry at all. Which brings me to the next tricky part; emotions. He eventually gave in to the fact that I have predominately impersonal presence but you NEED to respect his emotions. This took a while for me because he hates it when I fake it, and he is very good at determining that. Good luck. If I can provide any more advice just say so. Im not sure if we can provide e-mail addresses on here, but if we can and ya want it, just let me know. Neat. -- Chad Avalon
A5 I'm an INFP male. Frankly, the INFP's "easily brainwashed" aspect perhaps, makes it so that once I'm hooked, I'm hooked bad, and it's insanely easy to get me there. An extra smile, a little attention, you've probably got me before you even knew you were trying. My relationships are wildly sexual and creative and silly and tend towards favoring 6 and 7 hour conversations. On the down side if I don't feel like I'm receiving enough validation from my partner, I become introverted and close off emotionally and physically, I don't cheat as many of the marry-for-money INFPs tend to, but I won't desire you either. If I get too much attention or validation from someone I feel is less intelligent, I question whether that someone is good enough for me. Balancing the validation seems to be a big challenge for my partners. I'll also agree with resenting control. I can be easily convinced to do your bidding, you just have to fool me into thinking you're not demanding control. -- Anonymous
A6 why don't you just date A5? -- Anonymous
A7 The INFp guy just asked me out last night but I had to turn him down because I had marathon training. I hope he won't misinterpret it as lack of interest. -- anja
A8 I'm an infp female. As long as you are honest everything is fine. I have a thing for an ENTP myself, that's why I'm reading this. He has a loves paintball. Since he told me that his reason I'm cool with it. Just don't let an INFP wonder and doubt. -- Anonymous
A9 I know this is late, but you will have your best bets on a friendly one with that INFP. I'm an ENTP with an INFP, and so far, he's been my closest ally - but not someone I'd consider to be fit. I can't explain why... it just is. INFPs are wonderful people. -- ENTP
A10 im an INFP male and i like gals more athletic than I -- Anonymous
A11 thanks for the replies. it really is a platonic one between the INFP male and i. i think i misinterpreted "liking" him and wanting to "save" him because deep down inside, i always thought of him as a wimp. he's one of the best friends that i have right now. -- anja
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