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Question #1181499633Sunday, 10-Jun-2007
Category: Personality Theory ESFj Stereotype Subtypes
Is it possible that two people of the same type behave in different ways? -- Anonymous
Your Answers: 1+
A1 It is rather impossible that two people of the same type behave in the same way. One's behaviour consists of many different factors including the type. Some factors may include one's gender, family background, nationality, race, profession, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, surrounding, overall well being, time of the year, time of the day, day of the week, mood and so on. Here some NON-TYPE related descriptions of five real ESFj people to compare how different people of the same type could be: *** ESFj 1. Reliable, insecure and possessive, sends out conflicting messages of sensuality behind a fixed moral and ethical exterior, jealous, stubborn and highly sexed. *** ESFj 2. Intuitive and loving, little foolish, torn between doing own things and having responsibilities. *** ESFj 3. Energetic and passionate, can't switch off, always on the go, has lots of relationships, very fixed in vision. *** ESFj 4. Serious and very ambitious, great at communication, not in touch with own emotions, has low self-esteem, needs security. *** ESFj 5. Moody and intense, private person, magnetic and charming, awash with sensitivities, emotions and passion. -- Admin
A2 Wow thanks admin the answer you have given is what all people need to understand - your environment has a very big part to play in your behaviour. Too many people assume that because they know a particular person or even a few people of a particular type that all people of that type will behave in exactly the same way but they do not. We are all still complex individuals. What is important is that determing and understanding who we are allows us to accept, adapt, grow and work on our behaviour and personality. Nothing is permanent. Also 2 people can be the same type even though they are not as strong in particular traits as others ie some will be more border-line in one are or another vs not border-line in any traits. etc. will behave very differently -- Anonymous
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A3 A1, I agree to a point, but also .. I disagree ..Of the ISTp's I have came to know..we are actually very similar..what you describe are exterior observations, whereas what I have found is that our interior motives are essentially the is just that due to our life developed personalities is differences, *but* that what is found when interacting, is that, underneath it all, is in fact that we seek and *are* essentially the same things .. It is just sometimes it is shown in different ways. So therefore, in my experience, how therefore the same types understand each other. The external difference are therefore just that..external. -- Cyclops
A4 perhaps per person differences are greater for P than J types. coming from your INTJ and INTP (cy u where there) contrast discussion, i'd conclude so. I think that the difference the Admin person provided is non essential, as ESF is a concentrated vector which basically churns up stuff where-ever that person finds themself (and where-ever would mean whatever they define as essential for life from the perspective of things they learned)... IST tends to mine the same contrasts from life..hence put on the P-motor, these people in presence of the other often 'near-approximate' goal areas. speaking for INTP, i would say, that we need invisibility from the other, as we would not want faded brightness, we want to be first in the discovery or orientation. Besides,i have seen INTPs have different emphasis points, only really approximate inter-type value to how well each and the other can work. -- @sirac
A5 a1, i think you be a teacher at socionics i think i would pay tuition to you just to see you teach -- enfj
A6 a1- what a typical istp thing to say. prrreeeedictable -- Anonymous
A7 admin, ur sayin that behaviour is relative amongst the same type- including subtypes? to dig deeper, what of behaviour between say the same intertype relation? duals for example, relative until disproven? -- Anonymous
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