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Question #1177367627Monday, 23-Apr-2007
Category: INFp INFj INTp Functions
What are the differences between the way an INFp experiences their versus INFj? And how about INTp versus INFj? -- anonymous
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A1 Well, for INTp Fi is the area where we need and want help with. As metaphore I would say that relationships are to me like hanging at the end of a rope. I don't have the strenght or the skill to climb up (closer). If I'd have to try I'm afraid that I would exhaust myself or make a false move and lose my grip and drop. So it's the other people that have to pull me closer. Of course climbing down (away) or dropping is easy. So in forming of all kinds of relationships, I just "monkey" what the other person is doing, if I want to. There also is the moral aspect, about this I don't know how it is with other INTp's. But I have very primitive morals, like those of an animal. I also think that any more "advanced" morals are just a weakness in general, same applies to emotions too. For INFj's Fi is their area of confidence, I won't try to guess what that is like. -- INTp guy
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A2 Fi is a notoriously difficult preference to describe, let alone understand. The more I've come to explore my own Fi, the more I've come to see it as a very broad value system which operates chiefly to ensure that the INFp, when presented with a situation which makes him/her feel bad, is quickly understood (Ne) and dealt with to feel better again. Of course, this implies that most INFps can size up the good/bad in other people with great ease, and I believe this to be quite accurate. Whereas Fe is more concerned with maintaining overarching social relationships (authority, family, friendships - the basic social fabrics), Fi concerns itself more with how "I" feel about things, which is why it so rarely comes to the surface. I believe it is the interest of all INFps to make a conscious effort to acknowledge their feelings and, when the situation warrants, express them openly. People will not see this as selfish or controlling...quite the opposite - it will give them a look at how very deep and caring the INFp really is. -- Chris (INFp)
Moderator's comment
INFp (with a small letter p) means you are talking about Socionics Type (S-Type) and it is NiFe. More in here
A3 I think, but am not positive, that INFp's extroverted feeling makes them want to relate to and connect with others emotionally. -- learning
A4 A2, and A3 you have it backwards. INFj - - "They treasure deep feelings of attachment and strive to deepen emotional bonds between people and harmonize relationships." INFp - - "IEIs have a way with influencing people; they know when a kind word will strengthen a relationship or hinder it, and how to get what they want from friends and family." Fi, (to oversimplify) is an internalizing of emotions, whereas Fe is an external projection of emotions. For a function by function breakdown of an INFj see - for a breakdown of an INFp see - learning, I have to say, you are probably an INFj. And, going on the "weak" comment, your mom is probably an ESTp. ESTp's (Conqueror's) value strength far, far more than ESTj's. I've probably alienated you with my snap judgments and "big leaps". That wasn't my intention, my intention has been and still is to help you understand yourself better and grow. If I screwed that up I apologize. -- Azure
A5 I wouldn't say that Fe is the external projection of least not for INFJ. Fe for an INFJ is more about considering others emotions before acting on your own in an attempt to prevent others from being offended. -- Anonymous
A6 The question was regarding INFj's not INFJ's. What's the difference? Well INFj's have Fi, not Fe, this is the principal difference between MBTI and Socionics, the ordering of the functions. Check out the link above that the moderator stuck in if you want to explore it further. Now taking that into account A5 basically just said MBTI is wrong and Socionics is right. Because in Socionics INFj do not "use" Fe, they use Fi. -- Azure
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